
The NaNoBot 18K+ challenge: 7 days, 18K+ words, 20 nanobots

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91896 words so far Winner!

Tim, thanks for the neat chart competition charts. I find them exquisitely motivating.

Keeps me writing!



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201228 words so far Winner!

I don't know what's up with your chart--but my goal was and is 181,000 by Sunday night. The chart has 184,666 as my end goal which isn't right.
(And I started when I was 23,000 words away (at 158K.)

25636 words so far

Count me in. Another 18k means I need to double my word count (and really I need to triple it to finish at 50k).

Spurfy Sora
50018 words so far Winner!

I'll give it a shot! I could use the extra push.

50257 words so far Winner!

Alright, I'm in. Maybe it'll be the added incentive needed to get my butt in gear this final week.

51010 words so far Winner!

Fine. Throwing my name in. Let's see if this happens.

EDIT: Also, your chart has an off by 1 error or something with some of the cells.

50564 words so far Winner!

ziplizard wrote:
Fine. Throwing my name in. Let's see if this happens.

EDIT: Also, your chart has an off by 1 error or something with some of the cells.

Fixed! Thanks, Melissa.


59452 words so far Winner!

ok - i'll join this challenge - don't know if I'll make it - but i need a good old kick in the butt - and anything can happen. right?

52005 words so far Winner!

You can do it! *Gets out the pompoms and starts a cheer*

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

The Peddler of Dreams
125713 words so far Winner!

Okay, I have stuff going on for the next couple of days, but I like being challenged. on! (If there is still room and all that!) :D

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. ~James Michener

50043 words so far Winner!

I guess that I am in as well. I think I was about 18K from the finish on Thursday anyway! Trying to finish strong, but have to be done by Thursday because I am off to Vienna on Friday morning. I won't complain! I'll keep typing.

50230 words so far Winner!

I'm in if it's not too late to sign up! I need this! 7k to go, but I find myself looking at my score in awe more than writing now.......
I never thought I could get this far, but now I realize if I can write 6k in one day, I can finish this in three! :D

28000 words so far

You know what's not conducive to good writing? Not plotting.

You know what else isn't conducive to good writing? Drugs. Specifically pain meds. Specifically, pain meds that are used when you just got your teeth taken out.


18k tomorrow?
.... I think maybe not. But I do plan on having my novel plotting completed, so that's worth something right? Right? No?


50564 words so far Winner!

Squiddish wrote:
You know what's not conducive to good writing? Not plotting.

You know what else isn't conducive to good writing? Drugs. Specifically pain meds. Specifically, pain meds that are used when you just got your teeth taken out.


18k tomorrow?
.... I think maybe not. But I do plan on having my novel plotting completed, so that's worth something right? Right? No?


Ouch! What happened to your teeth? Were they your wisdom teeth? All your teeth? (of course, writing as I am about dreams and nightmares, that image came to mind)

Novel plotting is definitely worth something! We'll have a Journey Path for those who want to finish their novels...

56476 words so far Winner!


I spent all night tonight making cards, and haven't gotten to write at all. :( Tomorrow I will have to force 4k out in just under four hours. Gulp. T_T

The Peddler of Dreams
125713 words so far Winner!

Becky, you can totally do this! I'll be on Jabber if you need someone to war with. :)

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. ~James Michener

28000 words so far

Yeah, my wisdom teeth. :c my face, like the Grinchs heart, has grown three sizes! Do faces have sizes? Oh well.
Lots of ice and pain meds and not a lot of writing going on.

That will definitely be a path I'm joining. I plan on kate January or early February for finishing my novel's first draft.

56476 words so far Winner!

The Peddler of Dreams wrote:
Becky, you can totally do this! I'll be on Jabber if you need someone to war with. :)

I will be on, likely around 8PM and onwards 'til morning (or midnight I guess)! I managed just under 700 words during lunch which helps me out a lot. I either have 3100 or 3200 left to do.

I'm thinking right now that I'm going to be parking my butt in the Caribou Coffee in Darien (on 75th street near the SmashBurger). I need to make a supply run for my shop at Michael's, and it's right down the road. Less distractions there, too! I will definitely be hanging out in the Jabber chat.

53266 words so far Winner!

Hope you are feeling better. I hear that milk shakes may be doable and encouraged in your condition.

53266 words so far Winner!

Yea, I had an exam earlier today and finished a bit beyond the requisite word count a few minutes ago. Time for the happy dance. It's a bit after 10:00, maybe I'll wait until tomorrow. Yawn.

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