Note that we have already already archived the 2012 forum threads for your convenience. Welcome! I am Tim aka NewMexicoKid, one of your three volunteer Municipal Liaisons for this region of USA::Illinois::Naperville that serves all the cities and suburbs west of Chicago. Along with Katherine (KatherineWriting) and Frank (fdahlman), I help to answer your questions and organize events to help you succeed with your NaNoWriMo quest. We have a full slate of events planned for the 2013 NaNoWriMo season, including an unprecedented fourpreparatory workshops plus our usual kick-off and Thank-Goodness-It's-Over pot-luck lunch parties and a whole passel of write-in events. I encourage everyone to introduce themselves. I normally write fantasy and science fiction novels and short stories and am active in our year-round writing group the Journey. Outside of NaNo, I enjoy web app development, sketching and playing simple tunes on my Native American styled flutes.
Hello. I'm Katherine, KatherineWriting, one of your three volunteer Municipal Liaisons (MLs) for this region--which serves many suburbs. My favorite write-ins are at coffee shops. Last year I organized a progressive write-in that started at Caribou, moved through four other locations, and ended up at Caribou about ten hours later.
I usually write mainstream novels, usually with two or more point-of-view characters. Since I've started doing NaNoWriMo, I've finished the first draft of my novel during November even when they come in at or over 100,000 words. (Last year I finished two, but I have resolved to be more sane this year.)
I've self-published several novels, including two that I wrote during NaNoWriMo. I work from a detailed outline with the plot pretty well worked out, although I discovery-write much about my characters. I enjoy editing, which is what I spend a lot of time doing the rest of the year. I've been a full time writer since 2012, prior to that I worked in telecommunications for 27 years, but still managed to do a lot of writing and editing.
I'm married to the fabulous FinBarrMcG (who I've talked into participating for several years). We have three children, with the youngest a freshman in college. I enjoy family time, walking, gardening, traveling, cards, board games, cooking, reading, crafts, wine, hanging with friends, as well as lots of stuff connected with writing, including talking with other writers. I'm part of the year-long writing group called the Journey, and maybe, just maybe, I'll try to get people interested in an editing path after NaNoWriMo.
Hello, I am Frank Dahlman, the third co-ML for our region. This year is my sixth wrimo as a writer and first as a municipal liaison. I am excited to work with everyone in the region and make this the best, most successful year yet.
I tend to write sci-if and fantasy, but have written on horror novel during my five years. As most people, my writing mirrors my reading. I prefer to read about and write in worlds that are not in our reality, I get enough reality on a daily basis. I have not published any of my novels, but this year one of my goals is to begin submitting one of my previous novels for publication, or rejection letters, or both.
Though none of my novels are published I am looking forward to the anthology our writing group, The Journey, is putting out this year. I have two stories in it, and they will be the first time I see any of my writing make it in any book. Outside of my sorting life I am married with three children. I am also an 8th grade English teacher. I am very excited and thankful for the opportunities nanowrimo and The Journey have given me, and I look forward to an awesome Year together writing.
I'm Kaden, a former ML from Kansas, and I'm very excited to come join your region! I've just moved to Willowbrook for a new job, and I'm hoping that a new area, a new routine, and the chance to participate in NaNoWriMo without worrying about the planning/hosting side of things will all help me get writing more again.
I mostly write fantasy, but I enjoy all kinds of other genre-fiction as well, and usually try to come at a story from an unexpected angle. I've been painfully uninspired lately, one reason why I'm so early to the forum, hoping to get my "spark" back before November.
I'm hoping to make it out for a lot of events, so I'll look forward to meeting you!
Hi. Im Paula, or catatone1. I believe this is my 7th year of Nano, but only my fifth year with the Naperville group.
I write in many different genres, but enjoy writing stories that have some sort of fantastical element to them. This year Ill be doing more of a science fiction/ assassin type story.
Im getting my masters in the city in Violin performance and commute in every day so Ill be doing most of my writing on the metra.
My novel is in its early stages of being planned out and hopefully Ill find ways to really torture my characters and make their journey harder before November starts.
Hopefully my November will be less eventful then last years so Ill actually write (I had my gall bladder out mid November last year, yikes) but itll be a busy month with weddings and concerts. Im determined to win however!
Hello! My name is Mary and I have written for and won NaNoWriMo 6 times. I've only been a part of the Naperville group for four years, though. Those first two NaNo attempts were lonely! This year will be my seventh time participating and I'm very excited. I've written fantasy stories for the past four NaNo attempts, and I will be writing fantasy again this year.
When I'm not NaNo-ing, I am an Assistant Editor at a textbook company in the suburbs of Chicago. I really enjoy my job and it doesn't follow me home, so I have plenty of time to write in the evenings. Now if only I could get some more motivation!
I anticipate winning again this year, but I can't tell the future! It's been sort of a crazy year, so interruptions could show up when November rolls around. Overall I'm looking forward to NaNo this year and I can't wait to start writing!
Hello there! I'm Jennifer and this is my second NaNo. I'm in high school, and co-leading a mini region for my school with laurelkff and alliecat13. Hopefully we're going to convince some teachers to join us :)
I mostly write YA and middle grade novels, but I do write the occasional fanfic. When I'm not writing, I am usually busy fangirling or playing some musical instrument.
I'm really excited for NaNo this year and to go to a few write ins, as I only went to one last year.
Hi, I'm Catherine, but people often call me CB, so as not to confuse me with the plethora of Catherine/Katherine(s) who populate this region.
This will be my 4th NaNo. I've enjoyed being part of the Naperville group each year that I've participated; not sure I could have succeeded without it. I also write the rest of the year, with support of the good folks at our year-round writing group, The Writing Journey.
Hi. I'm Melissa. This is going to by my fifth (woah, really!?) NaNo. I usually write fantasy/scifi and am planning on doing the same this year.
When I'm not writing, I'm a software developer, avid reader of books and comics, and a gamer (stupid PS4 November release date is going to kill my NaNo).
Alo, I'm Catherine. This is my second year of NaNo, and I have done two camps (if I do it this year; still contemplating due to the challenges of school). I enjoy writing science fiction and fantasy with all my heart, but two of my three novels have just been mainstream fiction. I write the occasional drabble fanfiction, but find that I can't write anything unless it's a very long book, and I have problems doing that with fanfiction.
When not living on caffeine and typing away in the month of November, I am a high school student. I guess I am that even when I am writing, though. Huh. Anyway, I swim (that doesn't mean I like it) and I'm my teacher's pet in chemistry. I work at a therapeutic riding stable and I seriously love horses a lot. Yeah. That's about it.
Hi all! I'm Paige. This is my 2nd time participating in NaNo (and I'm proud to say I won last year.)
Last year I worked on a romance that I am still editing. I have to admit I slacked hardcore over the last few months but really re-commited myself over the last week or so. I'm hoping to have it to a couple of beta readers before NaNo starts up again. This year I plan on working on the follow up for my first WIP.
I'm a huge reader and that is part of my problem as to why i have slacked to badly. I get so sucked into reading that it consumes me and my time.
I'm a bit farther away than most of you but I'm hoping to make it to a couple write-ins this time around. If anyone is interested in setting something up in the Yorkville area I'm happy to arrange something. Good Luck this year everyone.
Hihi, I'm Morgan, or Talent2max on here. This is my forth year participating in Nanowrimo, and only my second year going to write ins.
Last year i wrote a chick lit novel that still needs some editing. This year, its a fantasy-esque road trip tale, with revenge and magical creatures and many many smartasses. Should be fun.
I'm not sure how many write ins i'll be able to make it to, but i'll try to get out to as many as possible. Happy nano everyone!
I'm Dave (nano handle TRRDEDEAN). This is my eight go at Nano. I have won my first seven attempts. I write science fiction. This past spring I became a grandfather for the third and fourth time. I work in the loop since February and have a two and a half hour (one way) commute. This will crimp my writing time (and energy) but I look forward to the challenge of Nano 2013.
Hallo, loveys. It's Squid! (Or Thing 2. Or one of the many Katherine's in this region.)
I don't do introductions well. So oh well! I've done Nano several times and I generally lose count of things. I tend to type fast, talk a lot, and have ADD moments specifically designed to distract those sitting closest to me. (Usually Cassidy because that's always fun.)
I nanny full time for four kids and generally do quite a bit of the cooking / cleaning at home so I keep myself very busy. I like to swing dance and paint on things.
I'm also a Squid. And generally speaking I will love you forever if you find a way to fit Squids into your novel.
Hiya, I'm Cassidy. I've done NaNo for a ridiculous 10 years. I'm also particularly good at reaching my 50K while producing absolutely nothing of worth! But whatever.
I typically enjoy going to write-ins, and that's where I do most of my work. In fact, my beloved Becky (Sapphire) and I host write-ins at the Downers Grove Caribou on weeknights. We haven't yet selected which day of the week it will be, but I'll be sure to post as soon as we've decided. And this year, I'll be helping out with the kickoff at the Glen Ellyn library and the write-ins at the Downers Grove library.
I usually write sci-fi and fantasy, but I really have no idea what I'm doing at all this year. Hopefully I'll come up with something in the next month. I was also going to write by hand, but I think I might just steal Becky's laptop instead~
I'm Becky, the original Sapphire on these here forums. I've been doing NaNo now since 2003 (more or less--I took a few years off to sort some things out a couple years back). Cassidy up there is my wife, and we were daft enough to get married during November just about six years ago. I don't know what we were thinking, either.
I tend to write exclusively ouside of the house, which means I spend about half of the month hanging out in coffee shops and at write-ins. I tend to stick to mostly science fiction and low fantasy though I have dabbled in the crime/noir genre in the past.
I'm already well into my prepwork for this year's novel, which is titled "Reap It, Sister!". The story revolves around a junior-level reaper named Emi who becomes indebted to another entity in the Hereafter named Chance and finds her (after)life as she knows it falling to pieces around her.
Hi everyone! This is my first time doing this...I've dabbled in writing stories MANY times (mostly fantasy), and even have one that has about 30K words but the plot has me completely stuck and somewhat bored (tho I do want to finish it one day). SO....I'm using this November to start with a different genre to see how that goes. ANY thoughts, comments, advice to get started now would be GREATLY appreciated (i.e. what to have before the real writing begins).
Hello everyone! Michelle here and I have been participating in nanowrimo for 2 yrs , this is my third. I like to write a thriller-ish novel with lots of nail biting and drama! a-la Gillian Flynn and Stephen King. he,he. I need to get myself out there and mingle with all of you at the library events this year. Am looking forward to meeting all of you. :)
Bedorkable Me wrote: ANY thoughts, comments, advice to get started now would be GREATLY appreciated (i.e. what to have before the real writing begins).
Attend the prep sessions. First one is this Saturday at Warrenville Library--then 3 at Naperville Libraries. Check the calendar link above for details.
Hi! I'm Cici and I can't wait for November. I have a few story ideas that have been tumbling in my head. Which ever is calling strongest is the story I will write for NaNo this year. This will be my fourth year and I won twice, but last year I failed with a capital F. I had to put NaNo on the backburner so I could edit my last book. This year, I planned a little better and I have nothing else on my plate. I can't wait to start writing those new words. I won't be able make all the NaperNaNo sessions, but I'm going to try to get to a couple.
Hi, I'm Jen. This is my umpteenth NaNo but only my second year with the Naperville region - and last year was my first winning NaNo, so I think this is a good sign. :)
When not writing I'm a librarian at the Warrenville Public Library, so I'll be co-hosting the write-ins there as well as the prep session this afternoon. I love write-ins. Nothing for motivation like the sound of a dozen keyboards clicking all around you. Last year I wrote by hand at the write-ins, but this year I have a tablet with a keyboard, so I might be able to keep up with everyone else!
I usually write fantasy and sci-fi; this year I'm planning a buddy cop serial-killer novel set in an alternate-history fantasy universe with magic. Unless I panic and decide to write the generation ship family drama instead, but the fantasy has more opportunities for squid.
Hi! I'm Creativert, or Jamie to the rest of the world. I've been writing short stories, essays, and dabbled in some graphic novellas for a bit. Alas, I've never been published (never tried, so ... there's that). I'm an avid reader, and used to spend all my free time at the library. Unfortunately, due to a change in my career path, my time is being sucked into vacuum of passing days, weeks, and months. I frequently forget what month it is. Enough of that. As you can see, I'm also easily distracted and tend to ramble, which I'm hoping will help me reach the 50K goal!
Better yet, I've been aching to join a writer's group for years! I stumbled upon an email from my library saying that NaNoWriMo was having their first meeting on a Saturday, so I joined! I did not look into what NaNoWriMo was, and until about 10 minutes into the first meeting, didn't realize this was some sort of challenge or "thing" that people knew about!!! I thought I was just lucky enough to find a writers group.... but, nooooooooooooooo....... that's how my life works. So, this is my first time, and I'm going to cannonball right in the deep end! All of your help, advice, and support will be SUPER appreciated! Now, in the spirit of not self editing, I am taking the first step by NOT proof reading this before it is posted. *SO HARD ALREADY!*
Welcome, Jamie. We actually also do have a writer's group too--that's the Journey, our cafeteria-style writing group. It is mostly focused on NaNo from October through December but will begin having monthly meetings again in January. There are four short story anthologies planned for 2014 (for those who like to participate in those: one is a shared town, one is a cookbook (where every recipe has an accompanying story), one has westerns and one is in the horror genre). There's a Path for those who meet weekly to write and edit; several social Paths; and many more activities, events and programs possible (e.g., we usually do an annual writer's voice workshop that is very popular).
Hey, I'm Carly. (Or Red, or ThePiratess, or various other nicknames) This is my 11th year doing NaNo, and hopefully my 9th win. I mostly write mainstream fiction, often with a little fantasy twist thrown in there.
I will again be hosting the Sunday night write-ins at the Caribou in Glen Ellyn from 5-10pm. (That is assuming I'll be off Sunday nights in November. We shall see.) So come join the Sunday Writers. We always have a blast and get a lot of word wars in. :)
Hi, I'm Frances, aka CtrlAltTabby. I missed last weekend's prep session here in Warrenville, but did spend time Saturday evening and Sunday hashing out my main characters. I plan to write up background details for each of them this month, hash out some bad guys (details are still murky on them), and plot out chapter progressions. This story has been stuck in my head for quite a while and I want it out of there!
Heyall! WordRebel here - attacking my 7th NaNo!! I've write mainstream fiction and will be trying my hand at a novel told in vignettes this year...something I'm not sure I will be successful at but can't wait to see what happens. I'm also hoping to get out to more write ins this year. I got out to a total of zero last year so anything will be an improvement.
Hello, I'm Stephanie, and this will be my third Nano (2010, 2012). I've lurked and posted occassionally on the forums, though I haven't done any of the in person events. My two Nano drafts are rather hot messes, but the first showed me I could write a book (just not THAT book) and the second probably has too many ideas. But in between there I finished a cohesive Young Adult novel that is now out-and-about with publishers via my fantastic literary agent. Yay! In the meantime, I've written another YA novel which I'm editing (and still in the lovey-goo-goo eyes phase) and since I have more ideas, I'm going for Nano this November with a fresh, barely-outlined concept I'm going to run with.
I'm part of Windy City Romance Writers and I have a critique group too, so I'm not sure whether I'll end up at any live events, but I wanted to say I'm so encouraged by how much the local Nano group is doing. I love seeing postings about Nano in the Aurora libraries, it's so motivating. I will check out the upcoming events and see if one works out. Nice to meet all of you!
Hi, I'm Rishi. This is my third year NaNo, but I only succesfully completed my storylast year. I justmade a map of my world and created my own language for a Tolkien class at my high school, so I'm considering using them this year. The last two times, I ended up just winging it, but I'm looking forward to starting! Since I'm probably making a fantasy world, I've been looking through multiple othersources, since GiantitP inspired me to learn D&D rules.
Hey Cici--I don't have my picture up yet but this is Stephanie from Windy City RWA :) Maybe we can meet up within this group at one of the sessions! Small writing world :)
Hi all. My name is Chris, aka Beachpig. Although I missed last week's intro, I am looking forward to attending this week's session. This will be the first time I participate, a recommendation from a friend who also writes. In the past, I have completed screenplays and took a fiction writing class in which I worked on a still incomplete novel. It has been sometime since I have focused on my writing and I feel that now is better than never!
Genre-wise, I normally write in the tech thriller/suspense category and have hashed out the details of a children's book series as well. Personal-wise, I read just about everything, and in no particular order/genre. Recent reads inSeptmemberincluded: Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis, Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul II, Love in the Time of Cholera by Marquez, The House on Mango Street by Cisneros,and A Dog's Purpose by Bruce Cameron.
I look forward to the challenge of the NaNoWriMo and hope to meet and enjoy the experiences and time of other writers.
I'm Ansley. I'm another highschooler in the Naperville region. Totally looking forward to doing nanowrimo, and supporting each other throughout the month!
Hi I'm Ansley. I'm a highschool student, so juggling nanowriom and school work will be quite difficult. This is my second year doing nanowrimo. I have no idea what I'm writing yet but it will probably be in the sci-fi/ fantasy genre. Can't wait for November!
Hey all, Tyrannosaurus Regina back for another round.(Eighth? I think so.) I work weekends, so I won't make it out to any gatherings, but as usual I will lurk here on the forums and obsess over the progress graph.
I'm planning on combining the family of hackers, thieves and cops from from my first three stories with the newly-minted spy team from last year's story and seeing who survives. If I have the guts to do it, I maykill off one of my main characters, because it will serve an important plot point, not on a whim.
It's great to see so many familiar names. Looking forward to (virtually) seeing you all in November.
Right now, those aren't options for me, tho I wish they were. Don't want to get into personal stuff on here, but it is extremely difficult for me to do much of anything if it's not summer. Meh. Are there summaries or something that will/can be posted?
I'm a first timer. I've written scores of record reviews and movie reviews, have participated in several curriculum writing projects, and keep up with writing with regular blog posts. This is my first time putting together anything resembling a novel though. I'm looking forward to writing, writing, and then writing a little more.
Bedorkable Me wrote:Right now, those aren't options for me, tho I wish they were. Don't want to get into personal stuff on here, but it is extremely difficult for me to do much of anything if it's not summer. Meh. Are there summaries or something that will/can be posted?
Hi, my name is Annerose (or AnnaVanEast).This is my first time at NaNoWriMo and iswas a good encouragement to meet some of you at the first prep sessions in Warrenville last Saturday. I have always loved to write and I know somewhere within me there are books to share ... so I take this as a personal challenge this year, not knowing if I can fulfill the goal ... But if I don't try I won't know, right? I wrote various articles for non-profit organizations, produced our church's newsletters, made several personal booklets for special occasions like 50th anniversaries, 75th birthdays ... and so on. Now I think it is time to try the novel, I always wanted to write!
I am also called Dreamhigher2010 in the Nanowrimo world. I am excited to be writing again this year. I tried a non-ficton project last year that I am still editing. This year I am going back to the traditional route. I am an educator, and I have two "want to be grown" kids that are 15 and 20. Writing has become one of my most relaxing and rewarding pastimes. Thanks for all the comradie.
Although I live in Chicago (Hyde park) area, this group is still one of my favorite and most useful resources for inspiration and forthe mechanics of writing. I recently joined a writing group at a local coffee shop in my neighborhood which I didnt do last year because I just overwhelmed by the whole relocation.
Welcome to all newbies; sleep now and look forward to a lot of fun and coffee!
Dreamhigher2010 wrote:Although I live in Chicago (Hyde park) area, this group is still one of my favorite and most useful resources for inspiration and forthe mechanics of writing.
It would be great to see you at an event--Did you see the Woodridge write-in mid-month followed by a meet-up at Clara's (an Italian restaurant). It's on Saturday, November 16th--
And there's a Carol Stream write-in earlier in the day--so if you (and many, many others who have to drive a bit) cared to make a day of it, it could be worth the drive. Ithought I'd mention it so you have time to think and plan for it. I realize it's pretty hard to make stuff when the commute is long, especially in November when you could be writing during the time it takes to drive.
Hi I'm Rebekkah, I'm back for my second Nano. This year I'm hoping to make it to a few write ins once november hits. I'm writing what I guess is a fantasy again and This year I'm not only going to get 50,000 I'm going to get and ending,
Being needed is over rated being wanted is what matters.
I am India (NidiaC, Nidia.Ceylon) and this will be my second NaNo!
I read everything from Nonfiction andalmost everything in fiction. Iusually write fantasy, horror, romance fantasy,but this year I will be dabbling withErotica.
Outside of NaNo, I am a baker, chef, pole dancer, line dancer, and take part in weight lifting. I'm always out and about despite being online.
I'm looking forward to this NaNo! I have just about everything outlined and ready to go!
I never know if I belong in the Naperville or Chicago regions, so I usually end up joining both. :P
Anyway! I'm LaTia, newly transplanted to Elmhurst, andthis will be my eighth NaNo. I'm a massage therapist and am trying desperately not to write about that this year, haha.
Outside of that, my hobbies include videogames (Pokemon XY, anyone?), collecting Funko vinyl figurines, horrible attempts at knitting, and buying books I have no space for.
Aside from actually winning NaNo this year, my goal is just to generally be more active on the forums and make a lot of new friends now that I'm at a greater liberty to do so. ^__^
Permapersimberries for any NaNoisms that may result from anything.
What am I writing this year? That's a good question. Find me on Twitter and Word War with me on Skype! Username: rareunearthly
Hi I'm Kristi (doves1314), unpublished author of several incomplete stories and ideas. I'm a wife and a mom of two active boys which also makes me an unpaid laundress but I don't match socks or iron. I contribute a small part of income to my family as an aquatic fitness instructor. (Have joint pain? Get in the water! It is an excellent cardio and strength training workout, burns lots of calories, and you don't have to be over 55 to reap the benefits.) Shameless plugging aside, I love my job but my true passion is writing. Hoping this will be the stick of dynamite I need.
I love historical fiction, mystery, and paranormal. Currently researching the Victorian Era for the story I want to write.
I'm back to try my hand at this. Again. Eh, it's the practice that counts, right? My name is Teresa and this will be my eighth (count 'em, 8) year doing NaNo. In years past I've been trying to balance writing and school work (Ha! You say, it can't be done! - Well, you're right so far). However, that doesn't mean I'm ready to give up!
And if it I don't finish this year, there's always next year after I'm done with undergrad (Woo!!!).
Hi all! Anobi, here, checking in for my fourth year of NaNo!
Oh, this is going to be GREAT! I'm so excited! I look forward to picking your brains for feedback on random things throughout the month. I tend to be shy, but I've been trying really, really hard to unleash my inner extrovert. Maybe I'll even force myself to attend a write-in this year, who knows? Iusually write fantasy/sci-fi myself, and this year I will be dabbling in fanfiction.
November is always a busy month for me--and for everyone I'm sure--yet so far I've managed to hit 50k each time. This year, though, my goal is slightly different. While I will still be aiming for 50k, my real target will be to finish what I start.That's right; this year I will be focusing on ENDING! No morewandering in limbo,dragging out scenes, orthrowing random events at characters to pad my word count. No, my story this year will be started and finished. If I end my story before 50k words, I can go back and add more scenes, or pick up and work on another project that has been festering on my hard drive for God knows how long.
So, that's my plan. Stay tuned to this forum for updates, and I'm always willing to help out when I can!
Hey all. I'm Josh and I'm determined to make it to my word goal this year! Also, I'm partially addicted to caffeine (just in case this is also a Caffeinated Anonymous group). This is technically my 2nd attempt at NaNo, though I created my account 3 years ago.
For some background, I'm a recently married software developer from the south suburbs. As I don't feel connected to the city of Chicago, I felt I needed to be in a suburbs group. I don't know if I'll have the opportunity to travel to the west suburbs this year, but I am looking forward to any inspiration that might come from this group.
I'll be sticking to science fiction this year for my writing. With my free time slowly transitioning to time with my new wife, I had to retire a 10 year old Star Trek chat role-play I had begun in 2002. I've decided to again approach the stories I created for the past decade and put them in book format. This year's NaNo will be a re-introduction to the ship and crew I originally created all those years ago.
Now Writing: Star Trek: Providence - Nova's Prospect ~ Facebook | Twitter
Does anyone post notes from the workshops by any chance? With my husband's medical issues happening and child care situation, I'm not going to be able to attend anything this year. Are the chats helpful? How do those work?
Hello. I'm Jenny and this is my first Nano - though I did camp in April. I write urban fantasy/paranormal romance. My planned novel for November is the prequel to April's novel. I'm shooting for 100k, 50-60k in the "official" novel that I'm counting towards whether I win or not, and another 40-50k in the sequel because I really don't want to just set it aside for a month. I'm hoping to have the first novel ready to be self-published sometime in the first half of 2015. I probably won't be able to make it to any write-ins due to not having transportation, but we'll see if I can finagle a ride or to borrow the car.
I also have no idea what to write in these things and tend to make no sense...
JerenYun wrote:As I don't feel connected to the city of Chicago, I felt I needed to be in a suburbs group. I don't know if I'll have the opportunity to travel to the west suburbs this year, but I am looking forward to any inspiration that might come from this group.
Welcome! We have friends who live in Flossmoor, so sometimes make it out in that area--and a couple of our writers live in Joliet, so you could suggest a write-in somewhere in the south, and see who comes. It's hard to say who might be nearby. (Personally, I think the 95th library in Naperville is too far south, but then I'm not very fond of driving.
Regardless, I get the wanting to be in a suburbs group. And we do have some longer days planned -- like the 16th of November--that could make connecting in person worthwhile.
Does anyone post notes from the workshops by any chance? With my husband's medical issues happening and child care situation, I'm not going to be able to attend anything this year. Are the chats helpful? How do those work?
Thanks! :)
All my material from Characters are Story is available at:
Chats can be helpful. We use a jabber chat room. If you have a gmail account, you can login with that; otherwise, send me a nanomail and I will create a dedicated jabber account for you. The best way to use the jabber chat is with a jabber client like pidgin. In November, there is a little social chatting and a lot of "word wars"--timed writing sprints where people work on their novels and report back afterwards how many words they wrote. Can be very helpful.
To echo what Tim said, The Journey writers group has been an amazing addition to my writing life. I have people that I meet with monthly to talk about writing, and all the different paths that let us meet more often. It is comforting to talk to tohers that have the same struggles that I do, and get it because they are writers as well.I have improved as a writer through my time with them. It is nice to not be so solitary in our solitary world as a writer.
I had to respond to your post Kristi (doves 1314). While I've had articles published as a reporter and in Chicago Parent Magazine I'm so like you in that I have several "books" started but I can't seem to finish any of them! I've never done a Nano before--I'm wondering if it's okay to continue on with one of the books I've started already?
Technically, according to NaNo rules you're supposed to not have written anything towards your novels word count pre-november. However, there are people that do it, and NaNo won't stop you from still validating. ;) The rules are more like... Guiiddeelines.
I'm Joe, former game and software designer. I just recently moved to the area, so this will be my first Nano with the Napercrew, but my third november overall. I did Camp this year, and it helped me edit my first novel into submission mode. I'll probably be whining about submissions much of the time, so please bear with me.
I think almost everything that I write falls into the category of "Science Fantasy," usually merging the genres in some way. This year, I'm writing something different, attempting to take the themes, action, and style of Anime and Manga and turn it into a plain-words-e-ink novel.
I've got a couple of sites, which can be found on my profile, I think.
Hello, all! I'm Jez and this will be my 6th year of NaNo, 3rd year participating in the region, I think. I'm a member of the Journey and try to make it to as many of the events as I can, as that's where the majority of my writing gets done. In 2011, I actually wrote close to 9k at a write-in.
I'm currently attending grad school, working to earn my MLIS to become a librarian and work as a reader's advisory assistant at one of the local libraries. I love my classes and my job, but they do leave me with a very odd schedule to work around with writing.
Currently my novel is listed as a science fiction dystopian novel, but that may change between now and November. Perhaps one of my other ideas will take the lead in the next few weeks.
I'll definitely be going into the chats. (I've done so during the day a few times already). I'm not sure how many of the write-ins I'll be able to make, if any. Newly married life (plus a roadtrip to Tennessee) isn't exactly allowing for a lot of social engagements like it used to. :) But it's nice to know that there are some writers in Joliet and Flossmoor.
BUT having a 40 minute commute on the Metra home allows me for writing time every day, which I know I'll be using often. I'm already using it for some story outlines and character detailing. I am very hopeful that I'll do better this year than last.
Oh, and thanks for the welcome!
Now Writing: Star Trek: Providence - Nova's Prospect ~ Facebook | Twitter
Hi! I'm Elaine or fishmama. This is my first time participating in NaNoWriMo. I guess you can call me a NaNo virgin. As one, I'm very excited and a little anxious, too. I've lived in Naperville with my husband for 32 years. My day job is being a pre-school teacher, which I love doing, but I know getting up and down from the ground is wearing me and my joints down. This job wo't last forever, so becoming a famous (ha, ha) writer could be my next career.
Hey all, I'm Alex!I'm a post-grad who is back in Naperville for a year- I was NaNo-ing down in Champaign for the last three years and it's good to be back. I was a tiny little English major and right now I'm a tiny little fashion editorial assistant, andI'll bestarting at SAICin the spring for fashion design and starting my MA in non-profit managementcome September (whew).
This is my 7th year doing NaNo and hopefully my 5th win,I failed spectacularly last year in a exploding ball of thesis-induced stress.I generally write things that float somewhere around mainstream fiction with bits and pieces of the supernatural, butI have no plot at the moment.I'm pantsing it hard this year, but I pants it every single year, who am I kidding.
Rob here. Been trying for 9 years going, won twice. Work late enough and live far enough north that I never can attend anything. A Schaumburg sub-chapter would be really nice.
Got a really dark idea for this year. Let's see what 50,000 words I can put to it.
Working title: Daughter of Night. Hopefully bringing some classical back to vampires.
I'm Diana and I've apparently been doing NaNoWriMo since 2006! I've onlywon 4 times, however. This has been a year of short stories for me, so I'm really looking forward to getting back to noveling! I am a published author, so please stop on by my blog and see what new and upcoming anothologies I'll be featured in!
When I'm not writing, editing, re-reading, re-writing, and writing some more, I'm usually sewing frilly dresses and obessing over Star Trek.
There are some write-ins in Carol Stream (23 minutes from Schaumburg), Glen Ellyn (24 minutes) and Lombard (26 minutes) this year. Also, in the past, there have been some of our members (cooldoctor1 and tomster) who have organized write-ins in Schaumburg; we'll have to see if that happens again this year.
Hi! My name is Pam, and I live in Geneva.I've been signing up for Nanowrimo for as long as I can remember, but every year it seems I never hit the 50K. I'm thinking part of my challenge in the past has been scheduling the writing time intoworking a full-time job as an engineer, juggling other hobbies and commitments (many of which landed in November in the past), and raising sixkids.This is the first time I've joined a regional group so hoping it is what helps me organize enough to succeed and finally finish!
I have worked as an editor and writer in the past for a magazine in my industry and have had articles published. I also regularly blog and occasionally write family histories for people. But I have this additionalpassion for romance novels and would love to finally finish at least one of the two I've started. So I figure if I can get 50K words done, I can tack it onto the start of one of them and complete a draft. Not sure how many actual events I can get to, particularly during the week. But I am going to try to get to a few on the weekends! Looking forward to writing with you!
Good Evening my friends and fellow writers!! I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself! My name is Patrick Walton and I'm a current resident of Lisle, IL. This year will be my first experience with NaNoWriMo and I could not possibly be more excited! My apologies for missing out on the workshops the last 2 weeks at the Naperville Public Libraries, I had a pre-planned vacation to Vegas last weekend, and have been very ill since my return this weekend as well. No, not due to alcohol, I caught some sort of virus on the return trip home. :( However, I plan on attending the PotLuck on 10/26, and hope to meet some fellow aspiring novelists! I would like to write several novels in various genres, but am starting this year with my Goblin Fantasy novel I have been imagining the last couple years. Is anyone else in Lisle? What are your thoughts on NaNoWriMo? I also hope to network and make some lasting friendships as well on this journey. I wish all of you the best of success with your stories, and I can't wait to read them and share my story with you as well. Have a great day my friends!!
I'm back again for another go at this...I might actually have availability for some write-ins...on weekends. Now that I ride the train to and from the city for work, I should have PLENTY of time to get in 1700 words a day.
Aloha. :) I'm InspectorStevi. I've done NaNo every year since 2007 and am back in the Naperville region after MLing Champaign-Urbana for the past two years. I'm a recent college graduate working at a publishing house up in Carol Stream now, and I'm writing the second half of the science fiction novel I started last November. Looking forward to meeting everyone and attending the write-ins! And, most of all, to writing my heart out.
InspectorStevi wrote:Aloha. :) I'm InspectorStevi. I've done NaNo every year since 2007 and am back in the Naperville region after MLing Champaign-Urbana for the past two years. I'm a recent college graduate working at a publishing house up in Carol Stream now, and I'm writing the second half of the science fiction novel I started last November. Looking forward to meeting everyone and attending the write-ins! And, most of all, to writing my heart out.
Welcome back! Very cool that you were an ML down in Champaign-Urbana (I spent many years there at the U of I).
Hi, I'm Jessi and this is my second year participating in NaNo. I'm writing the sequel to last year's novel :) I look forward to attending more write-ins this year! :)
Hi everyone! I'm Claire and this is my first NaNo. I mostly write fantasy, but I've been doingsome science fiction and just a bit of romance. (I'm really not sure why I've added romance to my list of genres. I think I've been reading too much romance) I'm homeschooled and I'm a freshman in highschool.
"Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none." --William Shakespeare "You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." --Mark Twain "We can't just say what if anymore, we have to say why not." --Writer170
Note that we have already already archived the 2012 forum threads for your convenience. Welcome! I am Tim aka NewMexicoKid, one of your three volunteer Municipal Liaisons for this region of USA::Illinois::Naperville that serves all the cities and suburbs west of Chicago. Along with Katherine (KatherineWriting) and Frank (fdahlman), I help to answer your questions and organize events to help you succeed with your NaNoWriMo quest. We have a full slate of events planned for the 2013 NaNoWriMo season, including an unprecedented four preparatory workshops plus our usual kick-off and Thank-Goodness-It's-Over pot-luck lunch parties and a whole passel of write-in events. I encourage everyone to introduce themselves. I normally write fantasy and science fiction novels and short stories and am active in our year-round writing group the Journey. Outside of NaNo, I enjoy web app development, sketching and playing simple tunes on my Native American styled flutes.
I usually write mainstream novels, usually with two or more point-of-view characters. Since I've started doing NaNoWriMo, I've finished the first draft of my novel during November even when they come in at or over 100,000 words. (Last year I finished two, but I have resolved to be more sane this year.)
I've self-published several novels, including two that I wrote during NaNoWriMo. I work from a detailed outline with the plot pretty well worked out, although I discovery-write much about my characters. I enjoy editing, which is what I spend a lot of time doing the rest of the year. I've been a full time writer since 2012, prior to that I worked in telecommunications for 27 years, but still managed to do a lot of writing and editing.
I'm married to the fabulous FinBarrMcG (who I've talked into participating for several years). We have three children, with the youngest a freshman in college. I enjoy family time, walking, gardening, traveling, cards, board games, cooking, reading, crafts, wine, hanging with friends, as well as lots of stuff connected with writing, including talking with other writers. I'm part of the year-long writing group called the Journey, and maybe, just maybe, I'll try to get people interested in an editing path after NaNoWriMo.
I tend to write sci-if and fantasy, but have written on horror novel during my five years. As most people, my writing mirrors my reading. I prefer to read about and write in worlds that are not in our reality, I get enough reality on a daily basis. I have not published any of my novels, but this year one of my goals is to begin submitting one of my previous novels for publication, or rejection letters, or both.
Though none of my novels are published I am looking forward to the anthology our writing group, The Journey, is putting out this year. I have two stories in it, and they will be the first time I see any of my writing make it in any book. Outside of my sorting life I am married with three children. I am also an 8th grade English teacher. I am very excited and thankful for the opportunities nanowrimo and The Journey have given me, and I look forward to an awesome Year together writing.
I'm Kaden, a former ML from Kansas, and I'm very excited to come join your region! I've just moved to Willowbrook for a new job, and I'm hoping that a new area, a new routine, and the chance to participate in NaNoWriMo without worrying about the planning/hosting side of things will all help me get writing more again.
I mostly write fantasy, but I enjoy all kinds of other genre-fiction as well, and usually try to come at a story from an unexpected angle. I've been painfully uninspired lately, one reason why I'm so early to the forum, hoping to get my "spark" back before November.
I'm hoping to make it out for a lot of events, so I'll look forward to meeting you!
I write in many different genres, but enjoy writing stories that have some sort of fantastical element to them. This year Ill be doing more of a science fiction/ assassin type story.
Im getting my masters in the city in Violin performance and commute in every day so Ill be doing most of my writing on the metra.
My novel is in its early stages of being planned out and hopefully Ill find ways to really torture my characters and make their journey harder before November starts.
Hopefully my November will be less eventful then last years so Ill actually write (I had my gall bladder out mid November last year, yikes) but itll be a busy month with weddings and concerts. Im determined to win however!
Good luck everyone! See you at events!
When I'm not NaNo-ing, I am an Assistant Editor at a textbook company in the suburbs of Chicago. I really enjoy my job and it doesn't follow me home, so I have plenty of time to write in the evenings. Now if only I could get some more motivation!
I anticipate winning again this year, but I can't tell the future! It's been sort of a crazy year, so interruptions could show up when November rolls around. Overall I'm looking forward to NaNo this year and I can't wait to start writing!
Good luck to everyone!
I mostly write YA and middle grade novels, but I do write the occasional fanfic. When I'm not writing, I am usually busy fangirling or playing some musical instrument.
I'm really excited for NaNo this year and to go to a few write ins, as I only went to one last year.
This will be my 4th NaNo. I've enjoyed being part of the Naperville group each year that I've participated; not sure I could have succeeded without it. I also write the rest of the year, with support of the good folks at our year-round writing group, The Writing Journey.
Good luck to everyone!
When I'm not writing, I'm a software developer, avid reader of books and comics, and a gamer (stupid PS4 November release date is going to kill my NaNo).
When not living on caffeine and typing away in the month of November, I am a high school student. I guess I am that even when I am writing, though. Huh. Anyway, I swim (that doesn't mean I like it) and I'm my teacher's pet in chemistry. I work at a therapeutic riding stable and I seriously love horses a lot. Yeah. That's about it.
I'm Paige. This is my 2nd time participating in NaNo (and I'm proud to say I won last year.)
Last year I worked on a romance that I am still editing. I have to admit I slacked hardcore over the last few months but really re-commited myself over the last week or so. I'm hoping to have it to a couple of beta readers before NaNo starts up again. This year I plan on working on the follow up for my first WIP.
I'm a huge reader and that is part of my problem as to why i have slacked to badly. I get so sucked into reading that it consumes me and my time.
I'm a bit farther away than most of you but I'm hoping to make it to a couple write-ins this time around. If anyone is interested in setting something up in the Yorkville area I'm happy to arrange something.
Good Luck this year everyone.
Last year i wrote a chick lit novel that still needs some editing. This year, its a fantasy-esque road trip tale, with revenge and magical creatures and many many smartasses. Should be fun.
I'm not sure how many write ins i'll be able to make it to, but i'll try to get out to as many as possible. Happy nano everyone!
I'm Dave (nano handle TRRDEDEAN). This is my eight go at Nano. I have won my first seven attempts. I write science fiction. This past spring I became a grandfather for the third and fourth time. I work in the loop since February and have a two and a half hour (one way) commute. This will crimp my writing time (and energy) but I look forward to the challenge of Nano 2013.
I don't do introductions well. So oh well! I've done Nano several times and I generally lose count of things. I tend to type fast, talk a lot, and have ADD moments specifically designed to distract those sitting closest to me. (Usually Cassidy because that's always fun.)
I nanny full time for four kids and generally do quite a bit of the cooking / cleaning at home so I keep myself very busy. I like to swing dance and paint on things.
I'm also a Squid. And generally speaking I will love you forever if you find a way to fit Squids into your novel.
I typically enjoy going to write-ins, and that's where I do most of my work. In fact, my beloved Becky (Sapphire) and I host write-ins at the Downers Grove Caribou on weeknights. We haven't yet selected which day of the week it will be, but I'll be sure to post as soon as we've decided. And this year, I'll be helping out with the kickoff at the Glen Ellyn library and the write-ins at the Downers Grove library.
I usually write sci-fi and fantasy, but I really have no idea what I'm doing at all this year. Hopefully I'll come up with something in the next month. I was also going to write by hand, but I think I might just steal Becky's laptop instead~
I'm Becky, the original Sapphire on these here forums. I've been doing NaNo now since 2003 (more or less--I took a few years off to sort some things out a couple years back). Cassidy up there is my wife, and we were daft enough to get married during November just about six years ago. I don't know what we were thinking, either.
I tend to write exclusively ouside of the house, which means I spend about half of the month hanging out in coffee shops and at write-ins. I tend to stick to mostly science fiction and low fantasy though I have dabbled in the crime/noir genre in the past.
I'm already well into my prepwork for this year's novel, which is titled "Reap It, Sister!". The story revolves around a junior-level reaper named Emi who becomes indebted to another entity in the Hereafter named Chance and finds her (after)life as she knows it falling to pieces around her.
This is my first time doing this...I've dabbled in writing stories MANY times (mostly fantasy), and even have one that has about 30K words but the plot has me completely stuck and somewhat bored (tho I do want to finish it one day). SO....I'm using this November to start with a different genre to see how that goes. ANY thoughts, comments, advice to get started now would be GREATLY appreciated (i.e. what to have before the real writing begins).
P.S. To Squid: That is my son's nickname! :D
It's settled. It's a sign. You need a squid in your novel.
Attend the prep sessions. First one is this Saturday at Warrenville Library--then 3 at Naperville Libraries.
Check the calendar link above for details.
Happy Writing!
When not writing I'm a librarian at the Warrenville Public Library, so I'll be co-hosting the write-ins there as well as the prep session this afternoon. I love write-ins. Nothing for motivation like the sound of a dozen keyboards clicking all around you. Last year I wrote by hand at the write-ins, but this year I have a tablet with a keyboard, so I might be able to keep up with everyone else!
I usually write fantasy and sci-fi; this year I'm planning a buddy cop serial-killer novel set in an alternate-history fantasy universe with magic. Unless I panic and decide to write the generation ship family drama instead, but the fantasy has more opportunities for squid.
And squid too.
I approve heartily.
Better yet, I've been aching to join a writer's group for years! I stumbled upon an email from my library saying that NaNoWriMo was having their first meeting on a Saturday, so I joined! I did not look into what NaNoWriMo was, and until about 10 minutes into the first meeting, didn't realize this was some sort of challenge or "thing" that people knew about!!! I thought I was just lucky enough to find a writers group.... but, nooooooooooooooo....... that's how my life works. So, this is my first time, and I'm going to cannonball right in the deep end! All of your help, advice, and support will be SUPER appreciated! Now, in the spirit of not self editing, I am taking the first step by NOT proof reading this before it is posted. *SO HARD ALREADY!*
Hey, I'm Carly. (Or Red, or ThePiratess, or various other nicknames) This is my 11th year doing NaNo, and hopefully my 9th win. I mostly write mainstream fiction, often with a little fantasy twist thrown in there.
I will again be hosting the Sunday night write-ins at the Caribou in Glen Ellyn from 5-10pm. (That is assuming I'll be off Sunday nights in November. We shall see.) So come join the Sunday Writers. We always have a blast and get a lot of word wars in. :)
Hi, I'm Frances, aka CtrlAltTabby. I missed last weekend's prep session here in Warrenville, but did spend time Saturday evening and Sunday hashing out my main characters. I plan to write up background details for each of them this month, hash out some bad guys (details are still murky on them), and plot out chapter progressions. This story has been stuck in my head for quite a while and I want it out of there!
Heyall! WordRebel here - attacking my 7th NaNo!! I've write mainstream fiction and will be trying my hand at a novel told in vignettes this year...something I'm not sure I will be successful at but can't wait to see what happens. I'm also hoping to get out to more write ins this year. I got out to a total of zero last year so anything will be an improvement.
Best of luck to all you writers!!
Hello, I'm Stephanie, and this will be my third Nano (2010, 2012). I've lurked and posted occassionally on the forums, though I haven't done any of the in person events. My two Nano drafts are rather hot messes, but the first showed me I could write a book (just not THAT book) and the second probably has too many ideas. But in between there I finished a cohesive Young Adult novel that is now out-and-about with publishers via my fantastic literary agent. Yay! In the meantime, I've written another YA novel which I'm editing (and still in the lovey-goo-goo eyes phase) and since I have more ideas, I'm going for Nano this November with a fresh, barely-outlined concept I'm going to run with.
I'm part of Windy City Romance Writers and I have a critique group too, so I'm not sure whether I'll end up at any live events, but I wanted to say I'm so encouraged by how much the local Nano group is doing. I love seeing postings about Nano in the Aurora libraries, it's so motivating. I will check out the upcoming events and see if one works out. Nice to meet all of you!
Hi, I'm Rishi. This is my third year NaNo, but I only succesfully completed my storylast year. I justmade a map of my world and created my own language for a Tolkien class at my high school, so I'm considering using them this year. The last two times, I ended up just winging it, but I'm looking forward to starting! Since I'm probably making a fantasy world, I've been looking through multiple othersources, since GiantitP inspired me to learn D&D rules.
Hey Cici--I don't have my picture up yet but this is Stephanie from Windy City RWA :) Maybe we can meet up within this group at one of the sessions! Small writing world :)
Hi all. My name is Chris, aka Beachpig. Although I missed last week's intro, I am looking forward to attending this week's session. This will be the first time I participate, a recommendation from a friend who also writes. In the past, I have completed screenplays and took a fiction writing class in which I worked on a still incomplete novel. It has been sometime since I have focused on my writing and I feel that now is better than never!
Genre-wise, I normally write in the tech thriller/suspense category and have hashed out the details of a children's book series as well. Personal-wise, I read just about everything, and in no particular order/genre. Recent reads inSeptmemberincluded: Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis, Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul II, Love in the Time of Cholera by Marquez, The House on Mango Street by Cisneros,and A Dog's Purpose by Bruce Cameron.
I look forward to the challenge of the NaNoWriMo and hope to meet and enjoy the experiences and time of other writers.
Hey Jennifer,
I'm Ansley. I'm another highschooler in the Naperville region. Totally looking forward to doing nanowrimo, and supporting each other throughout the month!
Hi I'm Ansley. I'm a highschool student, so juggling nanowriom and school work will be quite difficult. This is my second year doing nanowrimo. I have no idea what I'm writing yet but it will probably be in the sci-fi/ fantasy genre. Can't wait for November!
Hey all, Tyrannosaurus Regina back for another round.(Eighth? I think so.) I work weekends, so I won't make it out to any gatherings, but as usual I will lurk here on the forums and obsess over the progress graph.
I'm planning on combining the family of hackers, thieves and cops from from my first three stories with the newly-minted spy team from last year's story and seeing who survives. If I have the guts to do it, I maykill off one of my main characters, because it will serve an important plot point, not on a whim.
It's great to see so many familiar names. Looking forward to (virtually) seeing you all in November.
When in doubt,alwayskill a main character. ;D
"When in doubt,alwayskill all the characters (except the bad guy). ;D"
There. I fixed it to what Squid's really thinking.
Right now, those aren't options for me, tho I wish they were. Don't want to get into personal stuff on here, but it is extremely difficult for me to do much of anything if it's not summer. Meh. Are there summaries or something that will/can be posted?
Will they get eaten by a Giant Squid?
Sorry for the horrible grammar above...plot bunnies stole my basic writing skills and are holding them for ransom.
Hi everyone --
I'm a first timer. I've written scores of record reviews and movie reviews, have participated in several curriculum writing projects, and keep up with writing with regular blog posts. This is my first time putting together anything resembling a novel though. I'm looking forward to writing, writing, and then writing a little more.
I'll give you hope in thinking they'll get better...
Then they'll die of an infection right when you think they're in the clear.
Yes, indeed! Please checkout our blog at -- all notes from the presentations will eventually be linked from this page on our wiki.
Hi, my name is Annerose (or AnnaVanEast).This is my first time at NaNoWriMo and iswas a good encouragement to meet some of you at the first prep sessions in Warrenville last Saturday. I have always loved to write and I know somewhere within me there are books to share ... so I take this as a personal challenge this year, not knowing if I can fulfill the goal ... But if I don't try I won't know, right?
I wrote various articles for non-profit organizations, produced our church's newsletters, made several personal booklets for special occasions like 50th anniversaries, 75th birthdays ... and so on. Now I think it is time to try the novel, I always wanted to write!
Hi My Name is Crystal.
I am also called Dreamhigher2010 in the Nanowrimo world. I am excited to be writing again this year. I tried a non-ficton project last year that I am still editing. This year I am going back to the traditional route. I am an educator, and I have two "want to be grown" kids that are 15 and 20. Writing has become one of my most relaxing and rewarding pastimes. Thanks for all the comradie.
Although I live in Chicago (Hyde park) area, this group is still one of my favorite and most useful resources for inspiration and forthe mechanics of writing. I recently joined a writing group at a local coffee shop in my neighborhood which I didnt do last year because I just overwhelmed by the whole relocation.
Welcome to all newbies; sleep now and look forward to a lot of fun and coffee!
It would be great to see you at an event--Did you see the Woodridge write-in mid-month followed by a meet-up at Clara's (an Italian restaurant). It's on Saturday, November 16th--
And there's a Carol Stream write-in earlier in the day--so if you (and many, many others who have to drive a bit) cared to make a day of it, it could be worth the drive. Ithought I'd mention it so you have time to think and plan for it. I realize it's pretty hard to make stuff when the commute is long, especially in November when you could be writing during the time it takes to drive.
Hi I'm Rebekkah, I'm back for my second Nano. This year I'm hoping to make it to a few write ins once november hits. I'm writing what I guess is a fantasy again and This year I'm not only going to get 50,000 I'm going to get and ending,
I am India (NidiaC, Nidia.Ceylon) and this will be my second NaNo!
I read everything from Nonfiction andalmost everything in fiction. Iusually write fantasy, horror, romance fantasy,but this year I will be dabbling withErotica.
Outside of NaNo, I am a baker, chef, pole dancer, line dancer, and take part in weight lifting. I'm always out and about despite being online.
I'm looking forward to this NaNo! I have just about everything outlined and ready to go!
I never know if I belong in the Naperville or Chicago regions, so I usually end up joining both. :P
Anyway! I'm LaTia, newly transplanted to Elmhurst, andthis will be my eighth NaNo. I'm a massage therapist and am trying desperately not to write about that this year, haha.
Outside of that, my hobbies include videogames (Pokemon XY, anyone?), collecting Funko vinyl figurines, horrible attempts at knitting, and buying books I have no space for.
Aside from actually winning NaNo this year, my goal is just to generally be more active on the forums and make a lot of new friends now that I'm at a greater liberty to do so. ^__^
What am I writing this year? That's a good question.
Find me on Twitter and Word War with me on Skype!
Username: rareunearthly
Hi I'm Kristi (doves1314), unpublished author of several incomplete stories and ideas. I'm a wife and a mom of two active boys which also makes me an unpaid laundress but I don't match socks or iron. I contribute a small part of income to my family as an aquatic fitness instructor. (Have joint pain? Get in the water! It is an excellent cardio and strength training workout, burns lots of calories, and you don't have to be over 55 to reap the benefits.) Shameless plugging aside, I love my job but my true passion is writing. Hoping this will be the stick of dynamite I need.
I love historical fiction, mystery, and paranormal. Currently researching the Victorian Era for the story I want to write.
I have an unhealthy addiction to Candy Crush.
Hello friends!
I'm back to try my hand at this. Again. Eh, it's the practice that counts, right? My name is Teresa and this will be my eighth (count 'em, 8) year doing NaNo. In years past I've been trying to balance writing and school work (Ha! You say, it can't be done! - Well, you're right so far). However, that doesn't mean I'm ready to give up!
And if it I don't finish this year, there's always next year after I'm done with undergrad (Woo!!!).
Hi all! Anobi, here, checking in for my fourth year of NaNo!
Oh, this is going to be GREAT! I'm so excited! I look forward to picking your brains for feedback on random things throughout the month. I tend to be shy, but I've been trying really, really hard to unleash my inner extrovert. Maybe I'll even force myself to attend a write-in this year, who knows? Iusually write fantasy/sci-fi myself, and this year I will be dabbling in fanfiction.
November is always a busy month for me--and for everyone I'm sure--yet so far I've managed to hit 50k each time. This year, though, my goal is slightly different. While I will still be aiming for 50k, my real target will be to finish what I start.That's right; this year I will be focusing on ENDING! No morewandering in limbo,dragging out scenes, orthrowing random events at characters to pad my word count. No, my story this year will be started and finished. If I end my story before 50k words, I can go back and add more scenes, or pick up and work on another project that has been festering on my hard drive for God knows how long.
So, that's my plan. Stay tuned to this forum for updates, and I'm always willing to help out when I can!
Hey all. I'm Josh and I'm determined to make it to my word goal this year! Also, I'm partially addicted to caffeine (just in case this is also a Caffeinated Anonymous group). This is technically my 2nd attempt at NaNo, though I created my account 3 years ago.
For some background, I'm a recently married software developer from the south suburbs. As I don't feel connected to the city of Chicago, I felt I needed to be in a suburbs group. I don't know if I'll have the opportunity to travel to the west suburbs this year, but I am looking forward to any inspiration that might come from this group.
I'll be sticking to science fiction this year for my writing. With my free time slowly transitioning to time with my new wife, I had to retire a 10 year old Star Trek chat role-play I had begun in 2002. I've decided to again approach the stories I created for the past decade and put them in book format. This year's NaNo will be a re-introduction to the ship and crew I originally created all those years ago.
Hi again...
Does anyone post notes from the workshops by any chance? With my husband's medical issues happening and child care situation, I'm not going to be able to attend anything this year. Are the chats helpful? How do those work?
Thanks! :)
I also have no idea what to write in these things and tend to make no sense...
Welcome! We have friends who live in Flossmoor, so sometimes make it out in that area--and a couple of our writers live in Joliet, so you could suggest a write-in somewhere in the south, and see who comes. It's hard to say who might be nearby. (Personally, I think the 95th library in Naperville is too far south, but then I'm not very fond of driving.
Regardless, I get the wanting to be in a suburbs group. And we do have some longer days planned -- like the 16th of November--that could make connecting in person worthwhile.
And we do have jabber chats--online chats which can be useful as well as the forum posts.
All my material from Characters are Story is available at:
Other material is available at:
Chats can be helpful. We use a jabber chat room. If you have a gmail account, you can login with that; otherwise, send me a nanomail and I will create a dedicated jabber account for you. The best way to use the jabber chat is with a jabber client like pidgin. In November, there is a little social chatting and a lot of "word wars"--timed writing sprints where people work on their novels and report back afterwards how many words they wrote. Can be very helpful.
Thank you for the advice!! I will try my best to do at least one chat...will definitely look up the websites! :D
To echo what Tim said, The Journey writers group has been an amazing addition to my writing life. I have people that I meet with monthly to talk about writing, and all the different paths that let us meet more often. It is comforting to talk to tohers that have the same struggles that I do, and get it because they are writers as well.I have improved as a writer through my time with them. It is nice to not be so solitary in our solitary world as a writer.
I had to respond to your post Kristi (doves 1314). While I've had articles published as a reporter and in Chicago Parent Magazine I'm so like you in that I have several "books" started but I can't seem to finish any of them! I've never done a Nano before--I'm wondering if it's okay to continue on with one of the books I've started already?
Technically, according to NaNo rules you're supposed to not have written anything towards your novels word count pre-november. However, there are people that do it, and NaNo won't stop you from still validating. ;)
The rules are more like... Guiiddeelines.
Greetins all,
I'm Joe, former game and software designer. I just recently moved to the area, so this will be my first Nano with the Napercrew, but my third november overall. I did Camp this year, and it helped me edit my first novel into submission mode. I'll probably be whining about submissions much of the time, so please bear with me.
I think almost everything that I write falls into the category of "Science Fantasy," usually merging the genres in some way. This year, I'm writing something different, attempting to take the themes, action, and style of Anime and Manga and turn it into a plain-words-e-ink novel.
I've got a couple of sites, which can be found on my profile, I think.
Best of luck to us all!
Hello, all! I'm Jez and this will be my 6th year of NaNo, 3rd year participating in the region, I think. I'm a member of the Journey and try to make it to as many of the events as I can, as that's where the majority of my writing gets done. In 2011, I actually wrote close to 9k at a write-in.
I'm currently attending grad school, working to earn my MLIS to become a librarian and work as a reader's advisory assistant at one of the local libraries. I love my classes and my job, but they do leave me with a very odd schedule to work around with writing.
Currently my novel is listed as a science fiction dystopian novel, but that may change between now and November. Perhaps one of my other ideas will take the lead in the next few weeks.
I'll definitely be going into the chats. (I've done so during the day a few times already). I'm not sure how many of the write-ins I'll be able to make, if any. Newly married life (plus a roadtrip to Tennessee) isn't exactly allowing for a lot of social engagements like it used to. :) But it's nice to know that there are some writers in Joliet and Flossmoor.
BUT having a 40 minute commute on the Metra home allows me for writing time every day, which I know I'll be using often. I'm already using it for some story outlines and character detailing. I am very hopeful that I'll do better this year than last.
Oh, and thanks for the welcome!
Hi! I'm Elaine or fishmama. This is my first time participating in NaNoWriMo. I guess you can call me a NaNo virgin. As one, I'm very excited and a little anxious, too. I've lived in Naperville with my husband for 32 years. My day job is being a pre-school teacher, which I love doing, but I know getting up and down from the ground is wearing me and my joints down. This job wo't last forever, so becoming a famous (ha, ha) writer could be my next career.
Hey all, I'm Alex!I'm a post-grad who is back in Naperville for a year- I was NaNo-ing down in Champaign for the last three years and it's good to be back. I was a tiny little English major and right now I'm a tiny little fashion editorial assistant, andI'll bestarting at SAICin the spring for fashion design and starting my MA in non-profit managementcome September (whew).
This is my 7th year doing NaNo and hopefully my 5th win,I failed spectacularly last year in a exploding ball of thesis-induced stress.I generally write things that float somewhere around mainstream fiction with bits and pieces of the supernatural, butI have no plot at the moment.I'm pantsing it hard this year, but I pants it every single year, who am I kidding.
Excited to hit up the write-ins again. Leggo!
Rob here. Been trying for 9 years going, won twice. Work late enough and live far enough north that I never can attend anything. A Schaumburg sub-chapter would be really nice.
Got a really dark idea for this year. Let's see what 50,000 words I can put to it.
Hopefully bringing some classical back to vampires.
Dark ideas are alwaysthe best!
I'm Diana and I've apparently been doing NaNoWriMo since 2006! I've onlywon 4 times, however. This has been a year of short stories for me, so I'm really looking forward to getting back to noveling! I am a published author, so please stop on by my blog and see what new and upcoming anothologies I'll be featured in!
When I'm not writing, editing, re-reading, re-writing, and writing some more, I'm usually sewing frilly dresses and obessing over Star Trek.
There are some write-ins in Carol Stream (23 minutes from Schaumburg), Glen Ellyn (24 minutes) and Lombard (26 minutes) this year. Also, in the past, there have been some of our members (cooldoctor1 and tomster) who have organized write-ins in Schaumburg; we'll have to see if that happens again this year.
Hi! My name is Pam, and I live in Geneva.I've been signing up for Nanowrimo for as long as I can remember, but every year it seems I never hit the 50K. I'm thinking part of my challenge in the past has been scheduling the writing time intoworking a full-time job as an engineer, juggling other hobbies and commitments (many of which landed in November in the past), and raising sixkids.This is the first time I've joined a regional group so hoping it is what helps me organize enough to succeed and finally finish!
I have worked as an editor and writer in the past for a magazine in my industry and have had articles published. I also regularly blog and occasionally write family histories for people. But I have this additionalpassion for romance novels and would love to finally finish at least one of the two I've started. So I figure if I can get 50K words done, I can tack it onto the start of one of them and complete a draft. Not sure how many actual events I can get to, particularly during the week. But I am going to try to get to a few on the weekends! Looking forward to writing with you!
Good Evening my friends and fellow writers!! I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself! My name is Patrick Walton and I'm a current resident of Lisle, IL. This year will be my first experience with NaNoWriMo and I could not possibly be more excited! My apologies for missing out on the workshops the last 2 weeks at the Naperville Public Libraries, I had a pre-planned vacation to Vegas last weekend, and have been very ill since my return this weekend as well. No, not due to alcohol, I caught some sort of virus on the return trip home. :( However, I plan on attending the PotLuck on 10/26, and hope to meet some fellow aspiring novelists! I would like to write several novels in various genres, but am starting this year with my Goblin Fantasy novel I have been imagining the last couple years. Is anyone else in Lisle? What are your thoughts on NaNoWriMo? I also hope to network and make some lasting friendships as well on this journey. I wish all of you the best of success with your stories, and I can't wait to read them and share my story with you as well. Have a great day my friends!!
Hi Everyone!
I'm back again for another go at this...I might actually have availability for some write-ins...on weekends. Now that I ride the train to and from the city for work, I should have PLENTY of time to get in 1700 words a day.
Thanks for your support!
Tammy (Higham) Anderson
Aloha. :) I'm InspectorStevi. I've done NaNo every year since 2007 and am back in the Naperville region after MLing Champaign-Urbana for the past two years. I'm a recent college graduate working at a publishing house up in Carol Stream now, and I'm writing the second half of the science fiction novel I started last November. Looking forward to meeting everyone and attending the write-ins! And, most of all, to writing my heart out.
Welcome back! Very cool that you were an ML down in Champaign-Urbana (I spent many years there at the U of I).
Hi! I'm AJ, and I've taken part in NaNo for several years. Maybe this year I'll have a novel to publish!
Hi, I'm Jessi and this is my second year participating in NaNo. I'm writing the sequel to last year's novel :) I look forward to attending more write-ins this year! :)
Hi everyone! I'm Claire and this is my first NaNo. I mostly write fantasy, but I've been doingsome science fiction and just a bit of romance. (I'm really not sure why I've added romance to my list of genres. I think I've been reading too much romance) I'm homeschooled and I'm a freshman in highschool.
"You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis
"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." --Mark Twain
"We can't just say what if anymore, we have to say why not." --Writer170
Homeschoolers unite! (Even though I'm graduated, but it still counts. ;D)