I've heard a lot about write-ins, but I'm not sure if I should go to one... I think it might be a little awkward since I'm 14 and I think a lot of the others in this region are a bit older than me. So what do you guys think? To go or not to go?
"Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none." --William Shakespeare "You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." --Mark Twain "We can't just say what if anymore, we have to say why not." --Writer170
Bring a friend, especially an older friend or family member who either likes coffee shops or libraries. (Since that's where we meet.)
My daughter went with me for years to the ones at coffee shops because she likes writing in coffee shops. She still likes writing in coffee shops, although she's not doing NaNo anymore (and will be at college most of the month.)
Since you'd need to be driven, your parent (or other driver) could just hang around and read a book, or do other computer stuff. Or you can talk them into doing NaNo. (That's fun, too.)
You don't have to go to write-ins. Basically, all we do is say our names, our handles, and write. But there are prizes. (Silly little things that people get competitive about.) There isn't a lot of talking since everyone is busy trying to make their word count for the day. But a lot of people find them helpful.
We've had quite a diverse group attend the write-ins; I've seen younger participants (some younger than you) at write-ins. They seemed to do fine. The important thing to note is that the main activity write-ins is (not surprisingly) writing. There might be a tiny bit of chit chat (more at the coffee houses than at the library events), but mostly people focus on writing.
We run word wars (also known as word sprints) that are timed writing sessions (typically 13, 17 or 23 minutes) where people will try to write as many words as they can in their novel. The winners can receive little prizes that Katherine mentioned (these vary from write-in to write-in: could be bookmarks or eraser critters or hand-made squids).
For the write-ins I am running (Sundays at the Nichols or 95th Street libraries in Naperville--see the schedule), I plan to use a google docs spreadsheet (as we did last year) for folks to track their progress across the write-in and the word wars there; and there will be prizes as well for highest % of the novel written in the write-in (this typically favors the slower writers).
The write-ins are meant to be fun, inspirational and group-motivational (after all, writing can be a lonely activity), but it's true they are not for everyone. Some people prefer to write when they're alone. On the other hand, many people swear by them.
I'm seventeen, so that's not that big an age difference. I plan to go this year as it's my last year in this region before I leave for college, although I didn't go last year because I was 'too young'. But after I went to the lunch at the end of the month with my family, they acknowledged that I could do it on my own.
Would it make you feel better to have someone in your age group there?
Personally, I think you should go. Bring someone if it makes you feel better. If there's anything I can do, let me know. :)
I would encourage you to come. It's all about writing regardless of age. I am planning on bringing my middle school daughter who wants to write as well. It will be a room full of writers pounding on their keyboards, or scratching on their notepads, trying to pile up words together. Being surrounded by other writers, I find, makes me feel supported and not so alone in this lonely field.I would recommend you give it a shot to see if it fits for you. You may be surprised and find it inspires you, or you may find it is not your cup of tea. I hope to see you at one of them.
"Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none." --William Shakespeare "You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." --Mark Twain "We can't just say what if anymore, we have to say why not." --Writer170
Thanks everyone :) I'll probably come to one at some point.
"Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none." --William Shakespeare "You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." --Mark Twain "We can't just say what if anymore, we have to say why not." --Writer170
I've heard a lot about write-ins, but I'm not sure if I should go to one... I think it might be a little awkward since I'm 14 and I think a lot of the others in this region are a bit older than me. So what do you guys think? To go or not to go?
"You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis
"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." --Mark Twain
"We can't just say what if anymore, we have to say why not." --Writer170
Bring a friend, especially an older friend or family member who either likes coffee shops or libraries. (Since that's where we meet.)
My daughter went with me for years to the ones at coffee shops because she likes writing in coffee shops. She still likes writing in coffee shops, although she's not doing NaNo anymore (and will be at college most of the month.)
Since you'd need to be driven, your parent (or other driver) could just hang around and read a book, or do other computer stuff. Or you can talk them into doing NaNo. (That's fun, too.)
You don't have to go to write-ins. Basically, all we do is say our names, our handles, and write. But there are prizes. (Silly little things that people get competitive about.) There isn't a lot of talking since everyone is busy trying to make their word count for the day. But a lot of people find them helpful.
We've had quite a diverse group attend the write-ins; I've seen younger participants (some younger than you) at write-ins. They seemed to do fine. The important thing to note is that the main activity write-ins is (not surprisingly) writing. There might be a tiny bit of chit chat (more at the coffee houses than at the library events), but mostly people focus on writing.
We run word wars (also known as word sprints) that are timed writing sessions (typically 13, 17 or 23 minutes) where people will try to write as many words as they can in their novel. The winners can receive little prizes that Katherine mentioned (these vary from write-in to write-in: could be bookmarks or eraser critters or hand-made squids).
For the write-ins I am running (Sundays at the Nichols or 95th Street libraries in Naperville--see the schedule), I plan to use a google docs spreadsheet (as we did last year) for folks to track their progress across the write-in and the word wars there; and there will be prizes as well for highest % of the novel written in the write-in (this typically favors the slower writers).
The write-ins are meant to be fun, inspirational and group-motivational (after all, writing can be a lonely activity), but it's true they are not for everyone. Some people prefer to write when they're alone. On the other hand, many people swear by them.
Hope that helps!
I'm seventeen, so that's not that big an age difference. I plan to go this year as it's my last year in this region before I leave for college, although I didn't go last year because I was 'too young'. But after I went to the lunch at the end of the month with my family, they acknowledged that I could do it on my own.
Would it make you feel better to have someone in your age group there?
Personally, I think you should go. Bring someone if it makes you feel better. If there's anything I can do, let me know. :)
I would encourage you to come. It's all about writing regardless of age. I am planning on bringing my middle school daughter who wants to write as well. It will be a room full of writers pounding on their keyboards, or scratching on their notepads, trying to pile up words together. Being surrounded by other writers, I find, makes me feel supported and not so alone in this lonely field.I would recommend you give it a shot to see if it fits for you. You may be surprised and find it inspires you, or you may find it is not your cup of tea. I hope to see you at one of them.
Off topic, but I'm in North Aurora too.
"You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis
"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." --Mark Twain
"We can't just say what if anymore, we have to say why not." --Writer170
Thanks everyone :) I'll probably come to one at some point.
"You can make anything by writing." --C.S. Lewis
"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." --Mark Twain
"We can't just say what if anymore, we have to say why not." --Writer170