Just a warning, the Words Left Per Day to finishing on time might be misleading.
It counts today as a day, so if you are like me and it says something like 3k a day to finish on time, if you stop writingyou really have something like 4k left every day...
I did not realize that a couple of days ago, but caught it early enough that it should not affect me too much!
Yes. I noticed this the first year it started. Really, only pay attention to Words Left Per Day at the beginning of the day. Once you start entering a new word count, it gets thrown off.
Just a warning, the Words Left Per Day to finishing on time might be misleading.
It counts today as a day, so if you are like me and it says something like 3k a day to finish on time, if you stop writingyou really have something like 4k left every day...
I did not realize that a couple of days ago, but caught it early enough that it should not affect me too much!
Yes. I noticed this the first year it started. Really, only pay attention to Words Left Per Day at the beginning of the day. Once you start entering a new word count, it gets thrown off.
The words left per day make all the difference in the world. I had no idea it was buggy from the start.