2023 Events
Scroll down the page to see event details.
Event logistics and zoom links are posted in our regional forum -- note: you will need to log into the nanowrimo.org forums to see these.
2023 Google Calendar Events
Welcome to the events page for NaperWriMo, the USA::Illinois::Naperville region of National Novel Writing Month.
Location: see location maps Be sure to bookmark http://naperwrimo.org/events that will always point to the latest Events page. This year will be the tenth Library Crawl (following 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and [[Library Crawl 2022|2022). Don't know what a write-in is? See All About Write-ins.
You may visit the calendar source: Naperville google calendar
Highlighted Events
- Kick-off party: Oct 28, 11 AM-2 PM, at GEPL (Glen Ellyn Public Library)
- Nov 1st - Start Writing! (on your own)
- Write-ins: see naperwrimo.org/logistics
- The Great Race!: Nov 11, TBD
- Mid-Month Social Break: Nov 12, TBD
- All Day Write-In: Nov 18, 8 AM - 4 PM (virtual)
- Nov 30th, 11:59 PM -- Stop Writing!
- Thank Goodness It's Over: Dec 9th, 1-3 pm (virtual)
2023 Preparatory Workshops
Nichols Library (Naperville), 1-3 pm, Saturdays, October 7, 14, 21
National Novel Writing Month is a free, annual event each November to encourage people to write a 50,000+ word first draft of their novel. Anyone age 13+ can register at nanowrimo.org to participate. The Nichols Library, in collaboration with NaperWriMo, sponsors three preparatory workshops: October 7, 14, and 21, from 1-3 pm. Registration is required to receive the web conference link; a limited number of in-person spots are available through Nichols Library (separate registration).
- Oct 7th: Story Wall Party - a brainstorming session for your Nano novel. Only have some of what you need for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? Let your fellow NaNo participants serve as a sounding board to generate new plot twists, ask inspiring questions, and help you get ready for November!
- Oct 14th: Get Ready for National Novel Writing Month! - Every November—National Novel Writing Month—about a half a million writers all over the world challenge themselves to write 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days. It may be easier to achieve this if you're prepared! Bryn Donovan, an author and a former acquiring editor in publishing, offers tips, resources, and creative writing exercises to clarify your vision and your basic plot for your NaNoWriMo novel. You can use this workshop to spark your motivation about a work in progress...or to come up with a brand-new idea for a story! And you don't need to worry about being put on the spot—you won't have to share your work with the class. This workshop is for your preparation and inspiration, so join us and just have fun!
- Oct 21st: Memoir Workshop - Memoirs is something many enjoy writing during NaNoWriMo. In this workshop, host Sherry Linker will share information about the craft of writing memoirs.