Monthly Archives: October 2007

It has begun!

Tonight is the big Illinois::Naperville kick-off at the 95th Street Library in Naperville (from 7-9 pm). It’s not too late to RSVP to let us know you are attending. As for me, I’ve chipped away at my plot preparations: Was it enough? Only time will tell… Don’t forget–we have 3 hour write-ins scheduled for 1-4 […]

Wow! A sizzling pre-kickoff!

Today was our fantastic pre-kick-off potluck party. I have to say that it was a lot of fun; and everyone who attended seemed to enjoy themselves tremendously. We had lunch sitting together around a very large table made up of several tables that had been pushed together. The writing exercise we did turned out to […]

Pre-NaNo Jabber Writing Sessions

The pre-NaNoWriMo jabber writing sessions will be Friday (October 26th), 8-9 pm and Saturday (October 27th), 8-9 pm. If you do not yet have a jabber account and would like to participate, please send me a NaNomail or e-mail. Since it will be before November 1st, we cannot write anything for our NaNo novels; however, […]

October 20th Pre-Planning meeting notes

Hi, Everyone! We had a great turnout. I just thought I’d sum up what we did at our very LAST pre-writing session (I can’t believe November is so close!). We played a game called truth or fiction. Each participant got two 3×5 cards. On one card, they wrote a scene from their favorite book. On […]

Prepare for NaNo by writing a story

Some of us in the Pledge-to-Publish had talked about hosting one or two jabber chatroom write-ins before NaNoWriMo officially begins November 1st. These might be the perfect warm-up for NaNo: imagine writing a short story in the brief timespan of a jabber write-in, a story that uses characters from your novel-to-come but that is set […]

Progress in novel planning

I think I am finally achieving a critical mass of novel planning this year. How can I tell? As I was driving home from work today, two of my characters began to interact with each other. I felt very much like the audience at a play (mind you, I was still paying attention to driving […]

Liquid Story Binder Free TODAY ONLY

It was posted just today that is giving away free copies of Liquid Story Binder XE that normally costs ~$50 to activate. This is novel-writing software. I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks like it has some nice features. NOTE: You must download and install it TODAY (14 October 2007) to get the […]