Post-NaNo Log

I am so proud of the efforts that people put out at the end of this
2007 NaNoWriMo. We staved off several terrific comeback attempts (they
closed the gap to just 100 words per game repeatedly throughout
Friday) by a very tough Ottawa region to win our 2007 regional word
war. diurnal_lee, one of their MLs, has promised to deliver to us an
mp3 of them singing our regional song! So: well done, NaperWriMos!

There were many (!) people in the jabber chat room Friday. The tension
and excitement in the room fueled massive individual word wars and
tens of thousands of words were written in that room yesterday.
Several of us were there past midnight!


Please post in our RSVP thread if you’re planning to attend the fantastically fun and oh-so-satisfying potluck Thank-Goodness-It’s-Over (TGIO) Party next Saturday (Dec. 8th), starting at 11:30 AM. Information about the TGIO party is in that thread.


Everyone who wants to participate in the Pledge To Publish (our year- round
writing/critiquing group for people who want to pursue the steps needed to get
published), please go to
the Pledge thread
. Our next meeting will be from 9:30 AM-11:30 AM December
8th (come out even if you are curious about what the Pledge is).


Congratulations to the amazing 60 winners in the region! That’s 46.5%
of the active region-homed members (52.9% of multi-year NaNo’ers won):
KatherineWriting, TRRDEDEAN, TriciaG, InspectorStevi, scrtprncs,
Hezzah, Emperor_Nero, Sapphire, Raskolnikov93, TiinanoNinja,
tinygreyhound, fogoflife, Turboshaft, Larry72367,, NewMexicoKid, Ajey, Roger Lubeck, bookgrrl,
Cassinia, FinbarrMcG, caitrin, Cholma, hopelesswarning,
ethereal.:.essence, tunewood, Emily Charlotte, chiroptera, moookau,
elbakerone, tregina12000, BeaconsBright, Lady Taliesin, Plumey,
socref419, jannie_delta, slauthor, purplepig, Jennifer_Ryukage,
LadyJealousy, Kathy B, horatio, cachinna, Ely Mera, books, ArrMatey,
lavender_in_distress, Isamov, Westerlywick, oze, SniperPenguin, Bag,
Anrea, kevino, elvenwonder, PrincessPicc48, OnceUponATime19,
DianaArtemis, guitar_baby_72, jackwilson

Among those who crossed the line the last day: Kathy B (amazing
heroics in completing this NaNo in the face of tragedy), purplepig (a
first year NaNo’er and good friend of my daughter books), anrea (of
the amazing comebacks and one of the fastest writers in the region),
slauthor (with 26000 words over the last three days and a repeat
winner from last year) and mookau (whose dad won NaNo last year).
hopelesswarning made up a huge deficit, writing 13349 words Friday
(many in the jabber chat room) to do her final validation just before

Strong performances were made not only by the winners but through
continued perseverance of many who continued to write in spite of
being way behind due to RL issues. Brian (stout_chap), co-ML in 2006,
wrote an amazing 7511 words on Friday in the jabber chatroom. Brian
(cableshaft) turned in a 6321 word performance on Thursday. And
AsteroidMinific added 2937 after a difficult time in RL.

I also want to note our top word count writers in the region this
year: KatherineWriting wrote 139352 words; TRRDEDEAN followed with an
impressive 100222 words; and TriciaG wrote 99167 words, good for third
in the region. InspectorStevi was 4th, and Melinda (scrtprncs) was
5th. In positions 6-10: Hezzah, Emperor Nero, Sapphire, Raskolnikov93
and TiinanoNinja. My other co-ML, Meredith (tinygreyhound), finished
11th (but won our intra-ML bet in reaching 50,000 words ahead of
Melinda and me–come to the TGIO to see Melinda and me pay up!).

Congratulations to everyone on a fine November performance!


As you know, NaNoWriMo is sustained by a nonprofit group led by Chris Baty. Their expenses are funded by donations; thus far, our region has generated $560 towards their operations. It’s not too late to add to this total (which puts us at 294th in the world).

I’d like to thank my wonderful co-MLs: Melinda (scrtprncs) in her
second year, who handled all of our publicity and organized our
November 1st kick-off event; and Meredith (tinygreyhound), in her
first year, who organized our three wonderful October events and wrote several of the blog entries here. I’d also like to KatherineWriting, who organized and hosted our Warrenville location write-ins (and her husband FinnbarMcG who
enabled WiFi for that location). Just to note: KatherineWriting’s
husband (FinnbarMcG), son (Raskolnikov93), and daughter (bookgrrl)
all won NaNo this year, a family record for our region!

We all thank our major partner, the Naperville Public Library and Mary
Bannon, the Public Programming Coordinator there. They provided us
with rooms at the beautiful 95th Street Library for our kick-off and
write-ins and great publicity. We also thank our other partner, the
downtown Naperville Barnes and Noble and Debbie Carroll, the Community
Relations Manager there for providing us with space and publicity for
our October events. We thank the City of Naperville for providing us
with rooms for our pre-kick-off and TGIO parties; and the City of
Warrenville for providing us with space for our Warrenville write-ins.

What? Oh, there’s the music to play me off the stage… Wait… I
haven’t thanked the Academy… 😉


P.S. Visit our cafepress shop!
Proceeds go to reimbursing the MLs for our expenses; everything above that goes
to the National organization.

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