Prep Session One on October 2nd.

For details on upcoming events, please see:

Things to start thinking about:

Before November: Read books, articles about writing and listen to podcasts:


Think abut how & when you’re going to write. If you plan on writing mainly on the weekends, then be sure you say no to invitations for most weekends. If you plan on getting up early, or staying up late—start doing those things now. Use the time to work on characters and plot, and read information about how to write. There’s a lot of advice out there, much of it comes in useful.

During November:
Write daily, even if it’s just a little, be sure to write something every day.
Try to get ahead.
Come to write-ins.
Do word wars online.
Challenge yourself with the progress of someone who is a little ahead of you (or just behind if you like to be ahead.)
If you get stuck because you’ve plotted your characters into a hole, try freewriting, even writing down, “This char is stuck because…” Try taking a walk. If the character is still stuck, take a deep breath, write “and then X happened” where X is left for you later to figure out how to get the character out of the situation. (Trust yourself that you can fix it in the second draft.) Write as if the character is no longer in that situation. (Can also do a bad transition, and fix it later–‘meanwhile, back at the ranch…’)

Come to the prep session and learn more.

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