Finding your writer’s voice

When I attended DucKon 19 this summer (the DuPage County Science Fiction Convention) to participate in its writer’s track, I signed up for a fascinating two hour workshop by noted and talented fantasy and romance author Jennifer Stevenson: Finding your writer’s voice: Fan mail from the future!. I wasn’t sure what the workshop would be about, but my co-ML Katherine had taken it the year before and had been very impressed.

What transpired was one of the most intensive and thrilling workshops I had ever attended in any field. I won’t go into too much detail here save to say that it involved spontaneously writing nine short stories in quick sequence, reading them to group members and getting their positive (only!) feedback. When I left the workshop, I had a much better handle on what my writer’s voice was like.

Oct 31st, Katherine and I will try to recreate some of the experience for some of our region’s writers. It’s not too late to sign up (yet), so if you are available, please visit the thread and follow the instructions there to get the logistics information. Feel free to NaNoMail me (NewMexicoKid) if you have any questions.


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