Pictures from our TGIO

And so another National Novel Writing Month comes to a close. We had a great Thank-Goodness-It’s-Over (TGIO) pot-luck lunch party, courtesy of co-ML Katherine (KatherineWriting) who organized the event and came up with the brilliant and fun ice breaker: speed noveling. Final stats for our region:

  • Number of affiliated people = 1193
  • Number of active people = 567 (47%)
  • Number of Naperville folks = 747 (62%)
  • Number of active Naperville folks = 447 (37%)
  • Number of Naperville folks with titles = 299 (40%)
  • Number of Naperville folks with posts = 209 (27%)
  • Number of Naperville folks with yearswon = 143
  • Total affiliated regional wordcount = 15894736
  • Total region-homed regional wordcount = 12418664
  • Average wordcount (affiliated) = 13323.33
  • Average wordcount (Naperville) = 21278.09
  • Average wordcount (active) = 28033.04
  • Average wordcount (active Naperville) = 35558.69
  • Num of those > 50K words (Naperville) = 165
  • Num of winners (Naperville) = 159
  • Num of donors (Naperville) = 55

Compare those stats with those of our regional scanpost graph:

  • Total wordcount: 3580012
  • Average wordcount: 51884.23
  • Wordcount standard deviation: 2968.57
  • % Active (non-zero wordcount): 97.2% (69/71) – (compared with 36.1% internationally)
  • % Winners (wordcount>50k): 74.6% (53/71)
  • % Winners of Active (wordcount>50k): 76.8% (53/69) (compared with 30.38% internationally)
  • % 40k+ (wordcount>40k): 74.6% (53/71)
  • % Returning: 56.3% (40/71)
  • % Returning Who Won: 43.7% (31/71)
  • % Returning Who Won of Active Returners: 77.5% (31/40)
  • % of Winners who were Returners: 58.5% (31/53)

Next year, be sure to join the graph! Nearly 75% of those on the graph won vs. 36.9% overall.

Pictures from the TGIO

Pictures are now available from our TGIO party. We had just under 50 people in attendance and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time.

Here’s Clara (PersiaRose) who generously donated this beautiful little gold and silver plot bunny for our region raffle (thanks, Clara!); and I must say thank you to the region for letting me “win” it!

Heather (AmaranthMuse) won the copy of Infinite Monkeys (our short story anthology) and Kristina (La Peregrina) won the top prize of Book In A Month (I heard afterwards that the two switched prizes). Barry (FinbarrMcG) and Claire (CD0189) each won a cover design for their CreateSpace books from me.

Take our survey

Be sure to take our survey to help us improve our planning for next year’s NaNoWriMo!

Paying our debts

Yes, we lost by 239 words per wrimo to Calgary in our inter-regional word war, our very first loss in five years. So we had to pay our debt by singing their regional song, Home on the Page (link goes to our videos; their song is sung to the tune of Home on the range). Many thanks to Catherine’s (Cee-Bee) husband Bart, who accompanied us on guitar (he was very good.

Write-ins at Caribou Coffee

Keep your eye on our events page ( will always point to the latest one) for information on events throughout the year, including Heather’s Wednesday evening write-ins at Caribou Coffee. Katherine also has some write-ins scheduled there. It’s a great way to maintain your writing momentum.

Check out our cafepress store

We have some fun designs there, including the black t-shirts (“Caution: Novelist at work!”) you may have seen Katherine, Barry and me wearing at our events.

Staying in touch

We won’t be sending out many regional e-mails in the off season. If you want to stay in touch, consider joining the Journey (our year-round writing group). Alternately, subscribe to our blog. The posts are infrequent, but they will occur throughout the year.

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