Fall program details are now available

Our fall program event details are now available on our wiki. Coming in October we have three interactive workshops to help prepare folks for National Novel Writing Month in November:

  • 10/6, Emotional resonance: reaching your readers, Nichols Library (Naperville):
    NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison Tim Yao leads this highly interactive workshop to explore how to
    plan your novel for maximum emotional impact on its readers.
  • 10/13, Pantsers need not apply, 95th Street Library (Naperville): Under the leadership of
    Tom Ostler, participants will deconstruct the plot of a well-known popular movie, focusing on
    character, character development, primary and secondary story arcs and the tension that drives
    the story to its conclusion.
  • 10/20, Prepare for NaNo by assessing yourself, Nichols Library (Naperville): Are you
    ready for NaNo? Author Roger Lubeck will provide writers with a Preparing for NaNoWriMo Selfassessment
    that identifies important writing behaviors, habits, skills, and tools useful in writing a
    50,000 word novel in 30 days. Writers will be able to use the assessment to identify critical
    decisions in the writing process and to determine his/her strengths and weaknesses as a writers
    and novelis.

All of the workshops are on Saturdays, 1-3 pm.

October 27th is the date for our fun and friendly kick-off pot-luck lunch party at the Naperville Municipal Center. Plan to bring a dish and join us for food, fun, the good company of your fellow authors. We’ll have some door prizes, the official NaNoWriMo stickers, games and more.

Want to help us share the news of these events? Print out one of our flyers and post it (responsibly) on a public bulletin board.


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