Monthly Archives: October 2012

2012 Kick-off Party Photos

Saturday, October 27th was the kick-off party, our region’s eighth annual kick-off event. Thirty to forty excited participants were there to share each other’s company and to feast on the great food. The pictures from the event are available below: NaperWriMo Kick-off 2012 Folks can also download and print out this scan of the signed […]

What to do if the NaNo servers are slow or inaccessible?

I noticed today that the NaNo servers are already experiencing delays and some flakiness–a lot of pages are timing out. What happens when hundreds of thousands of users try to simultaneously use a site like NaNoWriMo? Ideally, everything hums along smoothly. But sometimes (and this has happened each of the last few years) the first […]

Notes from the Oct 20 writer’s self assessment workshop

Author and psychologist Roger Lubeck led a group of twenty four writers October 20th through a writer’s self-assessment workshop to prepare folks for National Novel Writing Month. Roger, who is the Editor of the upcoming Journey short story anthology The Day Before The End of the World (to be published October 31, 2012), is by […]

Notes from the October 13th prep workshop

My notes from Tom Ostler’s October 13th preparatory workshop are now available on our NaperWriMo wiki. This was a fun, interactive workshop attended by 24 people.

Using kanbanpad (free) for novel planning?

Ever since I ran into and used the now-abandonware papel for a novel, I’ve been thinking of finding or writing a better novel planning tool. I really like the idea of using 3×5 index cards for this, but in a software tool. I’ve tried celtx and read about Scrivener but I would like a free […]

First prep session notes (emotional response)

The first prep session (Emotional Response: How to connect with your readers) is now completed. The XMind mindmap we used in the workshop is now available We had about thirty people in attendance in the Community Room of the Nichols Library. Next weekend (13 October), Tom Ostler will lead the second preparatory workshop down in […]