Thank Goodness It’s Over – 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014 was our annual Thank Goodness It’s Over (TGIO) pot-luck lunch party at the Naperville Municipal Center. We had around 55 people there. Festivities kicked off with a fun ice-breaker that Katherine created where participants tried to order themselves based on a 10-25 word excerpt they brought in from a favorite novel.

Each person who RSVP’d received their custom 3×5 awards card; the winners of the 18k and 9k challenges received their owls and penguins respectively.

We had a fun raffle of door prizes, including one of the big NaNoWriMo posters, several of the smaller NaperWriMo ones and nice prizes donated by Ky (scrapacat), Steve (Whitey), Dave (TRRDEDEAN), Carol (CJGEV), Ada (AdaVaughan), Katherine (KatherineWriting), Ed (FredDuck) and me. Thanks to everyone who donated!

Sarah Kovac handed out many Library Crawl prizes, including a $100 Amazon Gift Card (I think it went to Rebekkah (RLShepherd)) and promised to bring the Crawl back for 2015 (to the cheers of the region).

We sang our bet-payment-song for OCGR (Ottawa County Grand Rapids); this was a lot more fun than expected thanks to the musical stylings of Catherine’s husband Barton, who introduced a catchy clap rhythm. Then we broke into our own Typing Away Again Near Dear Ol’ Naperville. Many thanks to Catherine and Barton for their expert accompaniment. If you look closely, you can see where I discover that I am unplugged for most of OCGR (had to go start the video). 😉

[hana-flv-player video=””
description=”NaperWriMo singing the OCGR song and Typing Away Again”
autoload=”true” autoplay=”false”
loop=”false” autorewind=”true”

Also in there was a brief spiel about our year-round writing group the Journey, which will be starting up activities January 10th.

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