Wow! A sizzling pre-kickoff!

Today was our fantastic pre-kick-off potluck party. I have to say that it was a lot of fun; and everyone who attended seemed to enjoy themselves tremendously. We had lunch sitting together around a very large table made up of several tables that had been pushed together.

The writing exercise we did turned out to be very useful; in fact, it may just have saved my NaNo preparations. What we did was have people summarize their novels in 1-3 sentences on an index card. Then we passed the index cards around until everyone had contributed a plot twist idea for the novel summary and specified genre. Amazingly, there were at least seven ideas on mine that I am now planning to use, including one that really brings meaning and meaningful added tension to my story.

We passed out the special gifts that Meredith, Melinda and I had prepared for everyone and the NaNoWriMo stickers from headquarters; and there were contests for six signed posters.

I’ll add the photos soon to our regional photo gallery and the recorded songs to the song page. Next up is our sizzling November 1st kick-off from 7-9 pm at the Naperville Public Library (be sure to catch their top add on their front page!) 95th Street Library. Please RSVP if you intend to attend the kick-off. Melinda is the chief planner for this event.

Those of you who attended today (or tonight’s efficient pre-NaNo word war, which was made more interesting by folks copy/pasting in what they wrote), please feel free to add your comments.


Update: 10/28

Photos are now up on the regional photo gallery and the mp3’s of our recorded songs

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