A batch of plot bunnies for the final write-in

This Sunday (November 28th) is the final write-in of this 2010 NaNoWriMo. It will be in the Children’s Department (lower level) of the Nichols Library in downtown Naperville from 1-4:30 pm (Sunday). Come out and write a bunch! As a special treat, I’ve made some really good plot bunnies to give out as word war prizes:

Final set of plot bunnies for 2010

I’m thinking that based on the attendance last week (14), everyone at this write-in might walk away with a plot bunny–post-Thanksgiving write-in attendance is usually low. And these are definitely the best plot bunnies I’ve made (see the pirate one?).

Word War With Calgary

Unfortunately, we find ourselves over 800 words per wrimo behind Calgary with only four days and change to go. Do not give up. We can still make a come-from-behind victory happen, but it will take all of us. All of us. Everyone who currently has a non-zero wordcount (those are all who are counted) needs to write. If you have 4000 words now, boost that to 10,000. If you have 23,000, at least bring it to 25,000 (or, better yet, 30,000). Doing that will help our average wordcount rise, which is how this contest is judged. I will put some skin of my own in this request. If we defeat Calgary, I will add to the TGIO raffle a cover design for your CreateSpace bookproof for a total of two cover designs to be raffled.

Validating your win

To win at NaNoWriMo this season and become eligible for the completely free (including shipping) CreateSpace book proof, you must validate. Validation is simple, but do not wait for the last minute to validate. If your wordcount is equal to or greater than 50,000 words, go to the word count validator (under My NaNoWriMo) to copy and paste your entire novel into the text box and submit. See this NaNoWriMo article for more information. Also be sure to make sure your timezone settings are correct or else you will not be able to access the validator at the end. You know you have won when your word count progress bar in your profile turns from green to purple.

TGIO Party

Don’t forget to RSVP for the rockin’ Thank Goodness It’s Over (TGIO) Party, a pot-luck lunch affair at the Naperville Municipal Center from 11:45 AM-3 PM on Saturday, December 4th. Only those who RSVP will receive the special awards certificates. Note that you do not need to have completed your NaNo novel to attend. Bring your friends and family to celebrate the end of NaNoWriMo for this year.

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