I am Roger Lubeck. By profession, I am a psychologist and business consultant. Today, I am pleased to say I am a published novelist. In 2004, I started my first NaNoWriMo right before Thanksgiving and completed a 67,000 novel in less than 15 days. This will be my eighth NaNoWriMo. On October 29, 2011 at the regional kick off meeting in Naperville, I will be talking about my experience in Self Publishing a novel.
Each year I have written a new 50,000+ word novel. The first three novels were a fantasy / adventure set in the same medieval world. After that, I wrote three science fiction /military novels. Last year, I wrote Bullseye, a noir novel of murder and suspense. When I finished Bullseye, I felt I had finally written a first draft that was close to complete and worth publishing.
In January, I decided that before I wrote another story, I had to publish one of my existing novels. I wrote To the Western Border in 2004 and it had been through three or four revisions and edits since that time including participating in NaNoEdMo.  In committing myself to publishing a novel, I decided to go around the traditional publishing process and self publish. In the ten months since that decision, I published To the Western Border: A Fantasy Adventure (Book One in The Council of Magic) in July and Bullseye: A novel of murder and Suspense, my second novel, in October. In addition, my business partner Chris Hanson and I have written and are self publishing a business book, Finding the Right Path: A Guide to Leading and Managing A Title Insurance Company, due out on Nov 1, 2011.
At the meeting on Saturday, Oct 29, I will share my experiences using Create Space and Amazon as my set up and Print On Demand company, the importance of an editorial evaluation, revising and editing, formatting for printing, designing covers and interiors, forming my own publishing company (www.iiwiipress.com ), creating a kindle or e-book, going live, traditional marketing, and internet marketing. If you are an Indie author or have a published book, I hope you will join me on Saturday, Oct 29, and share your experiences too. If I do not see you on Saturday, good luck to everyone in the Region. Start fast and never look back!
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