Category Archives: NaperWriMo

What a great NaNo season 2013!

See the pictures from our 2013 TGIO: [shashin type=”photo” id=”79,99,73,49,41,40,39,37,32,28,18,83″ size=”small” columns=”max” order=”user” position=”center”] It was a great NaNo season and a wonderful Thank-Goodness-It’s-Over party! Many thanks to Ky (scrapacat) for contributing this beautiful scarf she made, to Steve (Whitey) for contributing a very handsome handmade journal (which I won in the raffle), and to […]

A fun kick-off to the 2013 NaNo season

Saturday, 26 October 2013 was our Naperville region’s kick-off party. It was a delicious pot-luck event, with plenty of savory and sweet delights, including Frank’s chili, my beef stew, Kel’s fruit salad smoothie, Todd’s best chocolate chip cookies and many, many more dishes. We about forty people in attendance at the Naperville Municipal Center (not […]

Prep workshop #4: Engaging your readers

First year co-Municipal Liaison Frank Dahlman gave a stirring and insight-filled preparatory workshop Saturday, 19 October at the Community Room of the Nichols Library in Naperville. After opening with a cute story about his daughter’s first soccer goal, Frank leapt into the importance of engaging our readers and began a tour of many ways we […]

Prep workshop #3: all about structure and plot

Roger Lubeck, Ph.D., author, editor and member of the Journey, gave an information-rich presentation on story structure and plot at the 95th Street Library in Naperville. Detailed notes are available from the workshop. Roger covered the well known novel story structures, different plot types, a discussion on handling point of view, advice on outlining, and […]

Katherine Lato shows how Characters are Story

Author Katherine Lato (aka KatherineWriting) led participants through her preparatory workshop Characters are story. This informative workshop delved into many aspects of characters: how to make them feel real to the reader, how to keep them interesting, how best to work them into scenes, how to handle their back story, etc. There were plenty of […]

Hit the ground writing!

Relax, sit back, enjoy. Think about the type of writing that first excited you. Think that you’re writing that fiction. You’re writing at your most creative, most powerful. In the most successful and imaginative and lyrical way you can. Out there is a public that is urging you to finish your novel so it can […]

Preparatory workshops coming up in September and October!

Have you ever wanted to write your own novel? Maybe you’ve heard of National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo), the free, annual challenge that takes place every November, where writers and would-be novelists strive to start, write and complete their 50,000+ word novel in just 30 days. Last year over three hundred and forty thousand […]