Tag Archives: 2010

nanowrimo site slow/creaky

Just a quick note: I know that the nanowrimo.org site has been very, very slow or timing out or even down at times yesterday and today. This is … er… normal. That is, it’s happened before in the past. Don’t fret–it typically only lasts a day or maybe a few days; and then it clears […]

Plot bunnies at Eola Road tonight, 6-8 pm!

I’ll be at the Eola Road branch library tonight with plot bunny prizes for the first Aurora Public Library write-in (6-8 pm). Come on out!

Finding your writer’s voice

Today we held an informal workshop on finding your writer’s voice. There were twelve of us participating; and, from all reports, everyone found it a very worthwhile exercise. The content of this workshop was based on the Fan Mail from the Future: Finding Your Writer’s Voice workshop at the DucKon 19 conference; that workshop had […]

Pictures from the 2010 kick-off

Yesterday was the fun, filling and fantastic NaNoWriMo kick-off for our Illinois::Naperville region (representing the cities and suburbs west of Chicago). Our turnout was over 40 people and people seemed to have a great time. Games played included the new Story Table (participants contributed story elements such as characters and plot points and then individuals […]

Upcoming fun at the write-ins

Recently there was a thread in the secret ML forum about making plot bunnies and the question came up: what are plot bunnies?. In the novelist sense, plot bunnies are ideas for plot changes that typically come up once you are working on your well-planned novel with its completed plot. Just like bunnies, they are […]

Finding your writer’s voice

When I attended DucKon 19 this summer (the DuPage County Science Fiction Convention) to participate in its writer’s track, I signed up for a fascinating two hour workshop by noted and talented fantasy and romance author Jennifer Stevenson: Finding your writer’s voice: Fan mail from the future!. I wasn’t sure what the workshop would be […]

New cafepress t-shirt design

I was motivated by the little octopus in the poster we’re raffling off for donated books for the region’s contribution to the Great NaNoWriMo Book Drive and designed this: I’ve added a cafepress store with this design to our array of regional cafepress shops that help defray our ML expenses (hey, we’re unpaid volunteers without […]