Tag Archives: 2010

Notes from Prep Session Three

Yesterday was our third and final prep workshop for November. Joe Turpin (aka Corrupted Flame) was the host for this session, which focused on Character Development. Many thanks to Joe for a great session! My notes for this session are a bit sketchy because I was the only ML in attendance and had to break […]

Reminder: Last prep workshop Saturday, Oct 16th

Just a reminder that the third and final prep workshop is Saturday, October 16th. It will be led by Joe Turpin and will cover character development. Come on out to the 95th Street Library in Naperville, 1-3 pm CST.

Naperville Sun article!

Jenette Sturges, Naperville City Hall reporter, wrote this neat article about us in the Naperville Sun! What is better, she says she is going to try out NaNoWriMo this year!

All about POV’s – notes from the second prep session

Yesterday was our second preparatory workshop, led by our vibrant Crystal Blount.. We had twenty two people in attendance, not a bad turnout for our first Aurora Public Library event.

Sometimes it is better to tell than to show

Most of the time writers are advised to show, not tell; that is, information should be conveyed to the reader through actions and dialogue and not narration. This io9 article by Charlie Jane Anders shows the exceptions to that rule. Good read.

Second Prep Session

We have two more prep workshops planned for October. One occurs tomorrow (Saturday, October 9th) at the Eola Road Branch Library (Aurora Public Library system). See http://naperwrimo.org/locations.php for maps to our event locations. I’ve been told we will be in one of the two rooms that are directly opposite the doors to the branch library […]

Pictures from the first prep session

Yesterday’s prep session, our first for 2010, was informative and fun. We had 29 people in attendance at the Nichols Library in Naperville (many of them were first-timers in NaNo). Katherine gave a great presentation. Here are some of the points I picked up from the session Strategies for NaNo/writing Use the temptation as a […]