I'm sixteen and this is my first year of NaNo, and I am very excited, but I would like to find other teen writers in this area. I figured I couldn't be the only one, so I made this thread! Post here if you're like me and looking for near-by writers close to your teen age.
50,023 / 50,000
Feb 24, 2011 - 18 47
I'm seventeen and I live in Downers grove, about a half an hour away. This is my second year doing NaNo, it was a lot of fun last year.
----------Ink and paper are sometimes passionate lovers, oftentimes brother and sister, and occasionally mortal enemies. ~Terri Guillemets
0 / 50,000
Feb 18, 2011 - 22 58
Hello, I'm Kalen from Naperville. I, as well like Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' work. I'm working on a Government type of story for NaNo 2011, I found out about NaNo in the middle of November. Seems like it's going to be a fun experience; beating myself up every few minutes from my writers block and finally finishing a page = fun, in case no one knew that.
----------~ Kalen Bloodstone, http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2643432/
0 / 50,000
Jan 6, 2011 - 15 14
Heh. I'm 15 at present time, but when the next NaNo starts (2011), I'll be 16. I'm in Bolingbrook, but I go to a Naperville school (NCHS). I've actually decided to give this thing a try after seeing someone write about it on SparkNotes. Wow, I'm over-excited, and it's still 10 months away :P
37,948 / 50,000
Dec 13, 2010 - 18 18
It's okay, with the new deans at Glenbard South, we now have good behavior stamps like we're pre-schoolers or something. If you get enough, you get fruit snacks. And every so often, there's "Happy Stampy Time" when EVERYONE gets stamps! I mean come on. My little seven year old brother grew out of that crap already.
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,164 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 18 45
I am!
----------And for your earlier post... I'm pretty sure I'm on indigo. And yes, school is worse. We now have lanyards, bullying presentations every so often, homeroom (seven minutes) and one day a month where homeroom is 40 minutes long, and you learn about... some kind of skill/feeling thing. Like, first it was empaathy. and then 'the tardy zone' and now, disruptions.
yes. Be very glad you are gone.
NaNo '10 - WON!
37,948 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 18 34
Who's going to the TGIO?
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
37,948 / 50,000
Nov 24, 2010 - 20 08
My word count is a lot farther along than it says, I just haven't taken to updating it. XD
----------I'm far behind, but I don't mind. For the past week, though, I've been terribly sick and unable to write AT ALL. =(
Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
75,040 / 50,000
Nov 17, 2010 - 19 12
This thread needs a serious boost, come on guys we should be on the front page not the second page D: Anyways I'm hoping I can get out too one write in this month, which will probably be this sunday's because that looks like the only day I will be free. My novel's going good, on veteran's day I had to have a serious catch up session and I actually wrote 5,000 words in one day. I'm going at a pretty good rate today considering that I started and 38,500 and now I have to get to 42,500. Which means almost 2,000 words to go.
My schedule though is so interesting, so I've been sick for the last few days which involved me actually losing my voice several times during the school day, and missing one day completely. My team has decided to have practices 4 days a week now. Which makes my schedule involve less writing time, and more cramming in time. School is getting intense also, and I'm having to work harder in a few classes. Other than that everything else is doing fine.
As for everyone else how are your novels going? Are you ahead or behind schedule?
161,514 / 50,000
Nov 6, 2010 - 17 28
The write-ins are all described at:
and are also on the google calendar.
Tim is giving plot bunnies (really cute little animals that he made) as prizes for the word wars for the write-ins at the Naperville library--they're on Sunday afternoons, not a bad time to write. (Although I do like the Caribou write-ins, myself. You don't have to stay for the whole time, by the way.)
37,948 / 50,000
Nov 6, 2010 - 15 10
I think a bunch of us should go the ones at Caribou from 6-9 I think it was.
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
37,948 / 50,000
Nov 6, 2010 - 15 09
Well good luck with your NaNo! And that sounds cool. I don't really know much about where mine is heading, either, but I'm getting there
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
7,050 / 50,000
Nov 3, 2010 - 22 29
Hi! I'm Alexis, 18 year-old college freshman here! I'm home in Lombard for break, but I won't be here for a lot of the month. I'm writing a sci-fi humor story, and this is my 4th year doing NaNoWriMo. I hope to see some of you at the Caribou write-ins! I would be up to having a teen write-in, and I could give some rides if needed. But it would have to be in the evening - my parents take both of the cars during the day for work.
----------Nan07: Stradivarius' Legacy - WIN!
Nan08: Let's Dance - FAIL
Nan09: Raptors and Rifles - WIN!
Nan10: We're Being Watched! - FAIL
Hey, looks like 2011 is going to be a winning year!
1,552 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 22 34
Haha. I do handwrite in school. that's my downfall. I'm too lazy to type it on the computer. Although I'm getting better :D Homework isn't the big deal for me. I just get distracted easily. I went to my town's library today and I got some typing done there. I'm kinda nervous because I'm not sure if I can meet the goal.
7,253 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 21 53
Howdy guys,
I'm 17 and I live right in Naperville. Anyone here go to Neuqua Valley?
Also, this is my first time doing this thing. Hopefully, I meet the goal, but I won't be disappointed if I don't. I'm writing a strange comedic story and I haven't a clue where it's heading.
26,805 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 21 22
I've found two solutions to the "no typing/writing in school thing":
1. Hand write during class and type it up quickly afterward (depends on a) how quickly you type and b) whether you can do this without stopping to edit)
2. Don't write during school. Use every extra second of spare time there to do your homework, get it all done, and then write at home since you won't have homework to do anymore.
----------NaNo 06/07 (failed), 08 (failed, finished late at 222k), 09 (won! 84k!)

NaNo10: Violet (Check the WC bar!)
50,099 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 19 57
My first day went well. I've reached the word goal both yesterday and today, along with my personal goal of 2000 words per day.
I doubt I'm going to have much time to write except during the evening and on weekends, but I think that should still be enough.
And good luck in school. I really don't think I'd be able to do this if I was taking classes at the same time. :/
37,948 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 18 13
Yupp, haha. My mom and I do the same. How's your word count? I'm so happy, I'm like 700 ahead of schedule. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
37,948 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 18 12
That is true. Violet or indigo? I was violet. I heard that school got really crappy just after my grade left, hahaha.
And you'll love the soccer team at South. We're pretty decent, but not many people try out, so you're almost guaranteed a spot.
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
1,552 / 50,000
Nov 1, 2010 - 21 35
I'm sixteen. 'Swego here though. First year in NaNo. I hope I can reach the goal. time's my big issue. I wish I could take my laptop into school and type there >.<
75,040 / 50,000
Nov 1, 2010 - 21 01
So how was everyones first day of NaNoWriMo? Has anyone reached the word goal? Has anyone gone beyond the goal? Anyways my first day went amazingly, when I got to school my NaN buddy wished me a happy first day of NaNoWriMo and she was quite jealous of the fact that I got 287 words this morning. She and I will definitely keep track of each other's word counts this month. So when I got home I already got a little prepared I made it to arround 1,300 on my own, when i decided I needed help, so at first I did 2 10 minute sprints and then on the twitter sprint's I did 2 20 minute one's so now my word count is amazing, I'm at double the 1,667 word, and tomorrow I'm going to aim for above 5,000.
Yet on the school front I am seriously thinking that english is going to be insane this month I'm already revising a paper again because I want to get an A+. Yet my teacher decides to point out errors that he didn't point out the first time. Also I get to read the Scarlet Letter this month, so I'm sure it's going to be a fun month :(
50,099 / 50,000
Oct 31, 2010 - 17 09
Ah, okay, that makes more sense than what I was thinking...
I'm 19, so not driving is worse for me. :P
26,805 / 50,000
Oct 31, 2010 - 01 26
I'm not sure how to word it. Like... you've got our world. There are parallel dimensions. So there's our world and there are eleven other worlds in "parallel" dimension that take up the space on the Earth but they're different, you know? Gah. I'm not sure if that made sense.
Hmmmm... can anyone here drive? XD
----------NaNo 06/07 (failed), 08 (failed, finished late at 222k), 09 (won! 84k!)

NaNo10: Violet (Check the WC bar!)
26,805 / 50,000
Oct 31, 2010 - 01 24
That's my feeling on it, anyway. I went to quite a few of them last year (usually the Saturday ones at the library since I can't drive yet and live in Winfield so getting to the Caribou ones doesn't always work well for me). Usually I dragged along a teen friend since then I was not FOREVER ALONE.
But yeah, once you get into it and used to it it's not a big deal, even if other teens aren't there. We're a pretty friendly region and everyone is really nice! (Though I still lol when I think about the Borders WI last year where we were all chillin' in the corner and writing and this guy came up and attempted to talk to us about computers for a while... it was... odd. O_o)
(So mostly what Tim said.)
----------NaNo 06/07 (failed), 08 (failed, finished late at 222k), 09 (won! 84k!)

NaNo10: Violet (Check the WC bar!)
50,164 / 50,000
Oct 30, 2010 - 18 26
middle school. I'm sure south is better than glen crest, at least
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
51,134 / 50,000
Oct 30, 2010 - 16 06
My mom goes about writing differently than I do; I keep trying to help her by poking at her plot and she yells at me for bugging her when I ask her eleventy-million questions XD But she helps with mine, though, so that's nice XD I did have to convince her not to back out of it this morning though :p ----------
Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 30, 2010 - 15 45
Middle school? Or moving?
It's nothing special haha (it's too small for my taste and so.much.drama. but then again that's high school for ya) I'll be glad to get out of there. I am currently a junior. Some people like it there, hope you will too!
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,164 / 50,000
Oct 28, 2010 - 06 33
I'm so jealous of your Homecoming theme. If Glenbard South had themes like that, maybe I'd actually *go* haha.
you're at glenbard south?!!! I AM TOO! well, I will be.
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 21 38
I know the feeling - it can get uncomfortable when there aren't many people your age around you, and you may question if said activity is really intended for you. I was like that when I went to the Naperville pow-wow in September with my mom. I swear, there were only a handful of people my age and most of them barely spoke English (most were representing South and Central American nations, oddly enough there were hardly any North American nations there) but it's not that bad once you relax. The adults want someone to talk to also, and what's cooler than a teen writer, come on! Haha.
^ I think that's what xxthefanxx meant.
But I'm sure there will be some good people there, of all ages. For registration for school, my mom had been unable to take off work so I had to go get papers and information by myself. The dean had a lot of people to see, so I ended up waiting for a few hours. I spent the last hour of it talking to a woman who was registering her two kids there at the same time. We bonded, despite the fact that she was probably at least forty years older than me. I liked talking to her while waiting, she was a wonderful person and it wouldn't surprise me if you find someone like her at a write-in, so don't worry. Whether there are teens or not, no one will bite your head off...unless they allow you to read an excerpt of their book which is conveniently a "You create the story" thing...y'know, where you have a list of options like "If you eat the blue spaghetti, turn to page 193" and so on...and it's about some giant half-octopus, half panther, and very hungry...but otherwise, it'll be fun, I'm sure.
And I'll (hopefully) be there, so you'll have at least one teen. =)
I get carried away easily. Enjoy the ridiculously long post. XD
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 21 14
I don't but I used to want to so bad...then I fell in love with gymnastics.
Teen write-ins? That would be nice. We could start with just meeting up at Caribou write-ins. I am for sure going to as many as I can that aren't during school. RSVP for the Kick-off if you can! My mom and I are going, but I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of people twice or three times (or more) my age, with my mom or not, even though we are all novelists. Haha. So go RSVP and pick a food dish or something to bring, like paper plates and forks and knives and spoons or napkins or something. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
67,456 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 21 14
Ok, I guess I need to break through the "teen" age barrier at this point and note, as one of your friendly volunteer MLs, that our write-in events are not "adult" write-ins--they're just write-ins. We usually have several teenage participants each year who come out to the write-in events. From what I've observed, they appear to be enjoying themselves :-).
Really--no observed awkwardness among participants due to any age differential: at NaNo events, everyone's just a writer (and all of our write-ins are in public venues such as libraries and Caribou Coffee).
P.S. Plus, if you aren't able to make it to the kick-off, we'll have the official NaNo stickers to hand out to write-in participants (at least until the supplies run out). The stickers are very nice this year.
----------37,948 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 21 08
I like that idea! I'm going to the kick-off and as many Caribou write-ins as I can manage (hopefully with money to get over-caffeinated with =) ). I hope to see some of you there!
Wow, you really like Harry Potter, huh? That's cool. I don't really have any obsessions like that (I think?) but I used to. Avenged Sevenfold was in every sentence I spoke, I swear. XD But then my music taste broadened to like...every genre and I cared less for it, though I still adore their music. =)
I'm so jealous of your Homecoming theme. If Glenbard South had themes like that, maybe I'd actually *go* haha.
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,099 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 20 53
Twelve dimensional worlds? o_O
I'd totally go to a write-in if I could, but I also don't drive. :P
75,040 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 20 10
I'd so go to a teen write in, if there was one also! Alas though my schedule looks like it's going to be ruthless this year. Mainly with my after school Quiz Bowl, which has 2 hour practices twice a week. It's all good though, the work pays off in the long run. School looks like it will be manageable for the first half of the quarter, but my Honors English just came out of nowhere. Oh Well, it's mostly writing so it gives me even more of an excuse to do NaNo :D I'm actually getting Chemistry for once too and that's decent.
Otherwise I'm going to revaluate my plans, and plan how I'm actually going to do this this year. All the while trying to actually get a decent amount of sleep. Oh Well it's the fun of it all.
Another tangent of the Teen Write-In's, if you were to go to one of the adult write-in's would you feel awkward? Or is that just my feeling?
50,164 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 14 42
DOES ANYONE PLAY SOCCER?! needed to ask that. And I would try to go to a teen write in if it happened.
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
50,167 / 50,000
Oct 26, 2010 - 20 33
You- you had a HARRY POTTER THEMED HOMECOMING?! How lucky! I'd LOVE to have that theme. (Ours was "In the Jungle" this year... so boring. =_=)
I have to say, organizing some write-ins would be fun. :) I probably wouldn't be able to make it to many given my location in Des Plaines (all of you are so much closer to eachother than I am ;_;), but I think it'd be a cool experience for some of us.
----------NaNo 'o8: Imperial [Empathy Saga] - LOST
NaNo 'o9: The Queen of Orphans - WON
NaNo '1o: It Ends With You - WON
NaNo '11: Untitled - ?
26,805 / 50,000
Oct 26, 2010 - 20 14
Oh my Rowling! I KNEW there were more of you!
Except for the two I've dragged along and one other, I've yet to meet another Teen WriMo from this area. Come out of hiding! :D (We should all get together and have a teen write-in, methinks. :P /totally not creepy I swear.)
So, yeah. Hi! I'm Gabi! I live in Winfield and go to Wheaton North (don't even deny it, South, we pwn. FFS, OUR HOMECOMING THEME THIS YEAR WAS HARRY POTTER. YOU CANNOT BEAT THAT. :] ). I'm sixteen and, unless I've counted wrong, this will be my FIFTH NaNo! Last year was the first year I made the word count in the 30 days; I hit 50k the 28th and turned out an additional 34k because I'm competitive and because I wanted to finish the story initially. The year before I got to about 25k during NaNo and stopped, though the project (a daily-updated fanfic haha, don't judge meeeee) was later completed at 222,222 words. The previous years... let's not even go there, mkay?
Anyway, I enjoy writing, Harry Potter, the internet, Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter, swimming (any of you WWS kids have friends on the swim team? Because I know 'em.), Harry Potter, reading, Harry Potter, livejournal and the hp_commonroom community, and Harry Potter. Oh, and did I mention Harry Potter?
Last year I wrote a sort of... Sci-Fi/Adventure piece that involved the premise of twelve dimensional worlds. It was pretty fun though I haven't truly gone back through the wreckage yet. I should. (I did one full read through and annotation, though. That counts, right? XD) This year I've got planned a sort of Fantasy Romance? Technically inspired by the whole "humans were originally doubled and then split" mythology (though that will be re-worded and fit within the society of the story), it'd be about a girl who comes of age and leaves her small village for the first time (which holds these very religious beliefs) in order to find "her other half". (Determined by auras which only people from their village [that they know of] can see.) I'd really be quite a bit about self-discovery and tolerance (I'd hope... I'm not super sure where I'm going with it haha...) but I'd categorize it as romance.
Well that was quite a bit of writing. I tend to ramble quite a bit (online and IRL and in my writing which is why it always requires so many edits! XD). Here's to hoping we can all be friends AND SOME OF YOU COME OUT OF YOUR BURROWS AND DENS TO WRITE-INS. (Especially because driving terrifies me so I don't have my license so I need someone to bum rides from more. /don't judge)
----------NaNo 06/07 (failed), 08 (failed, finished late at 222k), 09 (won! 84k!)

NaNo10: Violet (Check the WC bar!)
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 21 26
It can be about the quality, especially if you want your free proof copy in paperback form in which you can go on to publish if you so choose, however it can also be just practice. I'm using it for both. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
456 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 20 40
Hi, I decided to do this to. I'm 16, it's my first year doing NaNoWriMo. My novel is going to be a fun novel, light, and a pretty cheesy plot. But I was told that it's not about quality, but getting in the 50,000.
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 20 27
Ooh, Italy. Beautiful. Roman Empire? Roman Republic? (I'm in love with history =) )
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
1,482 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 20 16
Sounds good, I added you as a writing buddy, hope you don't mind.
1,482 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 20 16
Wow intense---good idea. I'm writing sort of a tradgedy too, except its set in the middle ages in Italy.
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 14 59
I'm writing a serious drama about a young teen who gets raped and keeps the baby and the downward spiral from there. Sad but realistic ending.
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
75,040 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 10 25
I really don't know how to explain mine, mine's kind of a dystopian novel which has several war based scenes, but also has a tiny smidget of Romance in it. i'm so excited for it it's not even funny, if you want to get more of a jist for it, check my profile, it actually has a really good synopsis (:
1,482 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 09 41
I'm so excited for this to start I have a really good idea in mind, historical fiction. What are you guys writing about? I hope I can actually finish it.
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 24, 2010 - 01 41
Yes, mother-daughter. And lol yeahh we've been ranting nonstop and helping work through each others plot issues. What about you and your mom?
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
51,134 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 22 00
Sa-weeeet. High five for mother-daughter (right? :p) joint teams of doo-...awesomeness!
----------Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 21 57
I've got my mom doing it too. =)
----------Good luck to you, also.
Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
51,134 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 21 39
16 here, shoutin' out from Aurora~ (And I'm doing it with my mom, but she is *so* not a teen.)
Hey guys~ :3 Good luck to all of you!
----------Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 20 23
You should try to convince them to. Everyone can use a close writing buddy. =)
----------I got my mom to sign up. She's a novelist (I'm so proud). We talk to each other about ideas all the time.
Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,099 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 20 18
I'm really excited too... Some of my friends did it last year, but I'm not sure if they are again.
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 20 10
Less than nine days until November starts. =)
----------I joined almost a week ago. I was so excited I went around school the next day asking everyone if they like to write and if they wanted to join. I'm still kind of doing that. Haha.
Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,099 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 20 04
I decided to do this today, so I haven't started planning yet. Maybe I'll start tomorrow. :P
I'm looking forward to it, though. :)
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 19 57
Cool. =)
How far are you in your planning? Or are you planning?
I was almost halfway (only) but then I completely changed what I was going to write about so now I have to start over, but I have more ideas this time. What about you?
This will be fun. :D
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,099 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 19 39
I'm 19, so I'm a teenager, barely... This is my first year as well. :D
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 19 06
Me too! But at least we know about it now. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
75,040 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 18 45
It's good to start early, I wish I knew about this a long time ago..
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 15 29
Best time to start. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
1,482 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 15 18
Yep! I too am new to this and am a younger writer
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 10 44
Oh wow, that's a bit far. You two close?
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 09 48
My dad's friend lives out there. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,164 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 09 45
Well, he was more like a manager, I guess, but now he's in St. Louis on the week-days.
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
50,047 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 09 26
I'm 14. I live in Plainfield, it's about half an hour away from Naperville.
----------The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 09 26
Haha I used to pass the construction workers a lot. There was a special spot along the pathway of the little mini-prairie they have there. My friends and I used to hang out there.
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,164 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 08 47
unincorporated- me too. Except, my dad lives in Wheaton, so I use their public library a lot. My dad used to work at COD a month or so back, on the construction stuff.
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 03 03
Heyyy, don't make fun of COD's awesomeness. XD jk.
Due to being unincorporated Glen Ellyn, COD is my public library.
And hey, that's what caffeine and sugar (and exercise... O.o) is for. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 03 01
South Dakota. =)
----------That's a good place to get a degree in. I'm going for art. Haven't decided what field yet.
Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
0 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 01 36
I'm in college (COD bleh) but my classes are pretty easy - it's the homework on top of work plus NaNo that's going to cause some major sleep deprivation. :(
0 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 01 34
I have two real plotbunnies living in my room, although they're more interested in eating my notes than giving me inspiration. x(
0 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 01 33
Another neighbor! Hellooooo! :)
0 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 01 31
My boyfriend lives in Elmhurst so I'm there quite a lot lol. It's very pretty there but the streets are a pain to drive through - too narrow! :)
What state are you maybe moving to? I'd love to live somewhere a bit more nature-y, but I'm getting my degree in environmental biology so I have the rest of my life to be around nature I guess lol.
0 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 01 29
I graduated from Wheaton-Warrenville South! I must say I'm glad I'm done with that place heh. Warrenville is in Wheaton's shadow a lot..
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 22, 2010 - 21 02
Haha, well...they could go either way, depending on what you're writing I guess. ;)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 22, 2010 - 21 01
Chem and Geometry *are* hard, and I'm good at school stuff, haha. But me, I'm not going to bsalance. I'm going to focus on my novel and make up for it later. Probably not smart, but oh well. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
75,040 / 50,000
Oct 22, 2010 - 20 17
I actually feel so much ahead in this, I already got a spiffy synopsis that is actually pretty good, and is not trash like last years. I don't have a good outline, then again, I was one of those pantser's last year, and it was actually quite fun. I just hope that I can meet my goal this year. I'd feel kind of disappointed if I didn't.
Anyways how are you guys planning to balance school this year?
For me personally, I'm actually going to try to sleep, and keep my grades up, Because Chem and Geometry are really hard, and I don't want to fall behind. I might do some write or die if I'm really desperate. I feel confident overall though.
50,164 / 50,000
Oct 22, 2010 - 18 21
Aren't these pet rabbits the cutest thing? Although they're more wild than pet, and sometimes they have a tendency to turn zombie-like. Zombie-like or evil, I can't decide. :)
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 21, 2010 - 20 19
Mine too. My notecard strategy was my cheaper version of Post-its on the wall. Haha.
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,164 / 50,000
Oct 21, 2010 - 19 24
yeah, it is. I write all of my little plot bunnies down in a red spiral
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 21, 2010 - 18 19
Me too! And same here. I think it's annoying my boyfriend because I'll call him at night and out of nowhere I'll say "Oh my goodness I got another idea. I have to write it down on a notecard and tape it to my tv." A few minutes after I do so, I do it again. Oh well, he's still being supportive. =)
----------I can't wait either! It's going to be great. Is this your first year?
Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,164 / 50,000
Oct 21, 2010 - 17 31
Yes! Other teen-writers (agers?) in my area! Yeah... my plot bunnies are jumping around a lot this month. Can't wait until November. :) I'm from the Glen Ellyn area/ Wheaton
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 21, 2010 - 16 56
I'm a few minutes west of Danada Square, near C.O.D. kinda. I used to live in Elmhurst and I miss it, haha. Though I may soon be moving out-of-state to the middle of nowhere. I'm excited though; less pollution, prettier pictures to take, and fields to roam and set characters in. =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
69,031 / 50,000
Oct 21, 2010 - 09 32
I used to go to school at Wheaton Warrenville South. I'm from Warrenville, but like with Lisle, people have a tendency to ignore it. :(
----------"You'll write."-“Why me?"-"For no reason."-"Do I at least have an aptitude for writing?"-"Not at all.”-"How could I write a book?"-"By buckling down to it."-"Does that mean anyone can write?"-"Anyone. But you're the one I've chosen." Jean-Paul Sartre
0 / 50,000
Oct 20, 2010 - 23 44
Um south Wheaton, like a few minutes north of Danada Square and a few streets south of Roosevelt.
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 20, 2010 - 20 41
You're kind of close to me, too. I know what that's like! I live in Glen Ellyn, and some people in my school live in Lombard. Though if I talk about Villa Park (used to live there, have some friends there, I've also been to parties in that area) they'll ask where it is...but it's right on the other side of Lombard basically. So sad. XD
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
50,167 / 50,000
Oct 20, 2010 - 20 21
lol I'm gone for barely a day and I find new teen NaNo-ers here! :D Nice to meet you all~
----------NaNo 'o8: Imperial [Empathy Saga] - LOST
NaNo 'o9: The Queen of Orphans - WON
NaNo '1o: It Ends With You - WON
NaNo '11: Untitled - ?
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 20, 2010 - 18 27
Yeah my notecard thing is my cheaper version of post its. XD
----------And yeahhh, cool. =)
Where from Wheaton? It'd be funny if we've met. Chances are slim, but that's okay. Hahaha.
Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
0 / 50,000
Oct 20, 2010 - 17 40
I'm about to clear off my walls so I can use them as a giant plotting board after I go buy myself some rainbow post-it notes. It helps me to plot out my story with timelines and outlines, etc. so why not use my wall? xD I'll be doing most of my writing in my room anyways.
Oh and you're from Glen Ellyn! I'm from Wheaton. Hello neighbor! :)
37,948 / 50,000
Oct 20, 2010 - 15 13
It's true, it does! I'm so excited. I finally have my plot and characters taking form in my mind (and on my tv in the form of notecards cut in half and taped to the screen since my walls are full and i never use my tv). =)
----------Why do you love NaNo? What has it done for you?
0 / 50,000
Oct 20, 2010 - 10 52
I'm 15, live over in Downers Grove/Oak Brook area. We should chill.
75,040 / 50,000
Oct 20, 2010 - 05 39
Woo! I'm a 15 year old too, I live in Lisle (: Which is right by Naperville yet some people from Naperville don't even know where Lisle is.. it's quite sad :(
0 / 50,000
Oct 19, 2010 - 23 59
Barely, but it counts! ;)