has a tool to let you check whether your title will be a best seller. Maybe not too scientific (these things are hard to predict), but interesting...
My current working title is Unchanged, which was evaluated at 63% likely to become a bestseller...
P.S. See for titles from the Adoption Society forum
0 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 21 28
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.
0 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 21 22
I can't speak for others, but if you add the word "And...", I'd find your title scintillatingly irresistible.
I wonder if Lulu's heart would skip a beat for Scintillatingly Irresistible. Sounds like a Sidney Sheldon or Jackie Collins bestseller.
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.
76,543 / 50,000
Oct 27, 2010 - 16 38
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" has, according to Lulu, a 22.9% chance of being a bestseller. If I changed it to "And Nothing Gold Can Stay," it goes up to 79.6%. My alternative title, "Gold Valley" has a 63.7% chance of being a bestseller. XD
----------"We're number 17!"

NaNo 2004- WON! 56k | NaNo 2005- WON! 54k | NaNo 2006- WON! 93k | NaNo 2007- WON! 51k | NaNo 2008- WON! 50k | NaNo 2010- WON! 76k
0 / 50,000
Oct 23, 2010 - 04 24
Thanks for the information, Tim. Interesting.
One of my "working titles" is Building A Beach, which scores 55%. That's pretty generous, because it's very weak. It's just a temporary title. If anyone can think of a better title--something with more snap--for a book about building a beach, literally, let me know. And yes, it's fiction (not nonfiction) and no cracks about it being a crummy idea until you've heard the entire concept. ;-P
The better title I have, for a Peyton Place type novel with characters jumping in and out of one another's ... ahem... "lives" is Bed Pigs. Fairly catchy, I thought. Lulu disagrees. 35%.
Either I'm way off or Lulu doesn't know a good thing when she sees it (sort of like when I first met my wife).
I'm wondering what Lulu would say about The Great Gatsby or The Old Man and The Sea. My guess, 10%. Lulu, you just might need to get out more.
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.