This will be a rough draft at the end. There can be gaps in the story.
Remember. It is about quantity not quality.
The goal is 50,000. Not a final draft.
If you are on the Nano Forums, you are not working on your novel.
If you are writing about your novel, you are not working on your novel.
If you are not working on your novel, you are not working on your novel.
50,271 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 23 34
Write whenever you can. I work two jobs some days and I'm also working on another novel, yet I'm still finding at least twenty minutes to write every day. I think that's important because if you're dedicated enough, you'll work on your story. Sometimes it's 10 at night when I'm still working on it and sometimes I don't finish with the word count I want because I'm tired from the day, etc., but I always write, whether on paper or on the computer.
Read a lot too. Reading inspires creativity--I work at a library, therefore I know. :) You might find out which hot topics have been published in books recently (and therefore are good to avoid unless you have a great twist on them). Or, you might get an idea for your own version of a setting, character, place, et cetra.
Live life. Don't forget to do that. A lot of authors have said it's important to take a break from the writing and go out to walk the dog, play with the kids, whatever, because you gain story ideas from experience. Some of my best ideas have come from helping people or interacting with animals.
Don't put it off. If you can, start in the morning. But if you can't, start as soon as possible after you get home. Take a small break to rest from work and then go at it for a little while.
The toughest thing for me is not to go back and edit what I've done, so I also keep the word count in mind and remind myself I can go back and change things later. Most everyone does anyway.
50,105 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 10 20
Don't delete what you just wrote.
It's okay if it doesn't gel with what you wrote two days ago.
At this point, continuity does not have to be your friend.
Come on, you can write 50 more words before bed.
If you can write 50 you can totally write 100.
You just wrote an extra 100 words, why not go for 200?
You've got 250 more than you planned to write today, why not try for 500?
500? That's half way to 1000, why not get there?
And so on, and so on, and so on...
(And seriously, why do the NaNo forums have to be so gosh-darn distracting?!? Those little red new reply notices are downright evil!)
50,105 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 10 14
That was such a cute movie! I'm always excited to find others that saw it because I feel like it's one of those movies that sort of flew under the radar! ----------
50,038 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 17 31
I have been telling myself the same things! Along with, "Don't worry, we'll edit it later," over and over and over again...
----------The day is slipping away, why am I
out here, what do they want?
I am sorrowful in November...
- Anne Sexton, from "Hurry Up Please It's Time"
161,514 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 16 41
Jacob (Raskolnikov93, my son) is already at X words.
(He texted me at 12:33 on 11/1/10 to say he was at 1,138 words. He ended yesterday 2500 ahead of me. I thought he wasn't going to write today, but he did another 2000. I'm ahead of him at the moment, but tomorrow he only has one class. Competitive, who me?)
50,233 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 07 42
Oh, and "Keep Moving Forward" (Thank you, Meet The Robinsons)
50,233 / 50,000
Nov 2, 2010 - 07 40
Stop thinking about how crappy your story is. Everyone deletes their first chapter. You haven't even gotten to a good part, and your main character only seems like a total ass because you started writing him on a Monday.
So that has been my internal monologue while writing day 1.
109,919 / 50,000
Nov 1, 2010 - 23 35
BIC: Butt In Chair.
----------For two hours of every day, you will sit in front of your Microsoft Word (or etc) document and you will write.
No, you may not answer that IM. Turn all those programs off. You are not allowed to "research" (we know what that means - PROCRASTINATE!).
If you do not write, you will stare at a blinking cursor for two hours.
No one wants that. So write!
a venomoid is a poisonous snake that has had its fangs and venom glands removed to make it safe for human handling. what if vampires were required to undergo this operation? [[Wrote THE END! 9 AM on 11/19/2010]]
13,918 / 50,000
Nov 1, 2010 - 08 06
If you are on the Nano Forums, you are not working on your novel.
If you are writing about your novel, you are not working on your novel.
These two are the ones I always have trouble with...>.<
----------NaNo '06: The Outside (Urban Fantasy/Sci-Fi | 51,228/50,000)
NaNo '07: Coffee Breaks (Mystery/Suspense | 52,376/50,000)
Nano '08: Prequel to '06 (Urban Fantasy/Sci-Fi | 10,023/50,000)
Nano '09: Boundaries (Fantasy | 50,248/50,000)