You are cordially invited to attend the 3rd Annual Illinois Statewide Write-in!
When: Saturday, November 20, 2010 from 11am-2pm
Where: Inn of Chicago, 162 E. Ohio Street, Chicago, IL 60611 (map)
Extra Directions: The venue is accessible via car, taxi, and public transit (see Google Maps for instuctions for all methods of arriving). For those traveling from the far reaches of the state, you can buy MegaBus tickets for fairly cheap and the Chicago ML's will arrange to get you to and from Union Station in Chicago!
Event Details: We'll have a lot going on this year, so you won't want to miss it! Here's are just some of the things you can expect:
- door prizes
- writing sprints
- FOOD! (we're doing a pot luck this year!)
- silent auction to benefit NaNo - prizes include tickets to several prominent sports teams' games around the region, gift certificates to local vendors, and more! See below for info.
Pot Luck: If you are planning to attend, please leave a comment in this thread mentioning what you'll bring to the pot luck. ML's from Chicago will provide plates, plasticware, napkins, and plastic cups. (And possibly some hot chocolate!)
Silent Auction: We'll be auctioning off several items over the course of the write-in. Don't have the money to participate? Bring books! We'll give you $2 auction credit for every book you bring! (We'll also throw in an additional raffle ticket for door prizes for each of those books as well!) For details or questions, please email ChiWriMo at
We hope to see you there!
Municipal Liaison for Illinois::Chicago
ml-tim at
58,096 / 50,000
Nov 21, 2010 - 10 02
Thanks for coming, everyone! And thanks so much for bringing so much food. I don't know about all of you, but I got some good writing done and some good food eaten. :)
Co-ML and Co-Bookdriver for Chicago, IL
ml-kelly AT
Bookdrive Questions: bookdrive AT
51,706 / 50,000
Nov 21, 2010 - 00 28
Those who didn't come missed out though, I've gotta say~ :p
----------51,134 / 50,000
Nov 20, 2010 - 22 39
That was pretty epic guys! 8D <3
----------Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!
53,158 / 50,000
Nov 20, 2010 - 17 10
It was great meeting those of you who showed up at the write-in today! Thanks for word warring and I look forward to seeing you at the finish line!
27,633 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 22 22
I think I'm going to bring Nilla Wafer knockoffs and some pudding cups.
And I'll try to be there for more than 30 minutes this year. Got nothing else going on.
----------"New York City, center of the universe. Times are s****y, but I'm pretty sure they can't get worse. It's a comfort to know when you're singing the hit the road blues; that anywhere else you could possibly go after New York...would be a pleasure cruise."
50,305 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 21 39
I wasn't sure if it was like a party with writing, or writing with occasional blips of socialization. Sounds like I should sit this one out.
----------Wish me luck!
50,511 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 19 50
I'll be there. I'm bringing cookies.
50,228 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 19 01
Unfortunately, I've been sick the last ten days and it just won't quit. There's reason to think I am still contagious, too. - So no one would really want me to cook something and offer it to them, or sit close by, writing! I might show up with some books to donate, but otherwise am sadly going to miss it. I hope it's wonderful, and will look forward to next year....
58,096 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 16 17
I wouldn't say that your kids couldn't come, but it's not really a kid-friendly environment , since the focus is really on writing. Likewise, you don't *have to* write at the statewide, but there's not a whole lot to do if you won't be writing. You could certainly stop by, but you and your kids might be bored if you're not writing!
Co-ML and Co-Bookdriver for Chicago, IL
ml-kelly AT
Bookdrive Questions: bookdrive AT
50,038 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 15 49
I will be able to go, and I'm going to bring some containers of little brownies!
50,692 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 14 10
The last statewide I went to was really sedate and didn't seem to have non-writers present. I'm not sure that your kids will like sitting in a relatively quiet room for hours...
13,254 / 50,000
Nov 18, 2010 - 20 31
I'll be there with some type of chip-like snack.
50,305 / 50,000
Nov 18, 2010 - 15 32
I really want to come, but it look like my husband will be occupied and I will have my kids. Which brings up two questions:
----------1. Can I bring them?
2. Do I have to write at the write-in? Because my children are the opposite of writing.
Wish me luck!
50,393 / 50,000
Nov 18, 2010 - 14 10
I hope to be there - and I'll be bringing some homemade hummus!
5,249 / 50,000
Nov 17, 2010 - 22 25
I'll be there. I'll bring veggies for munching.
50,390 / 50,000
Nov 17, 2010 - 16 21
I too am within walking distance, so I will be there. I'm super excited to get some writing done. Ummm...I'm not sure what I'm gonna bring. Right now, I'm on the "I'm so broke I can't buy a shoelace" side of the equation, but I hope to bring something. Might just be a pack of cookies/crackers from walgreens. Maybe crackers and cheese? Does anyone hate that? See y'all there!
----------"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do. And that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
50,202 / 50,000
Nov 16, 2010 - 22 20
I'm going! And probably going to bring apples. I'm really poor at the moment. -_- I'll cut them up so they're a little more legit.
----------Art, Life, Writing, and Inspiration:
63,702 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 19 36
Hey guys,
I'm in Bloomington and I would be happy to help arrange a write-in here in Bloomington or Peoria for next year!! Anyone else with me?
50,203 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 16 33
I hope to come on Saturday. Sounds like we'll need some fruit to balance the cookies! I'll try to bring some fruit. Lois
50,692 / 50,000
Nov 14, 2010 - 14 01
Oh, man. I wish I could come. I wont be back in Chicago until the 22nd. Hopefully I'll be able to make some write-ins after that!
50,180 / 50,000
Nov 13, 2010 - 11 46
No deadline - just like to know what everyone is bringing :)
Municipal Liaison for Illinois::Chicago
ml-tim at
58,096 / 50,000
Nov 13, 2010 - 10 22
Books can absolutely be slightly loved. The point of the book drive is to collect books that are cluttering up your houses. There's no need to go buy new books for this. If you are thinking about buying new books to donate, it's better to just donate the cash you would have spent.
Co-ML and Co-Bookdriver for Chicago, IL
ml-kelly AT
Bookdrive Questions: bookdrive AT
57,449 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 18 52
I will be there! and I'll bring a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich tray. (let me know if anyone is allergic to peanuts, then I'll make something else. This is really just a "what a college student can afford meal...")
And the books, do they have to be new, or can they be slightly loved?
2007- NaNo- Three Lives- Won
2008- NaNo- Seventeen Forever- EpicFAIL
2009- SF- This Bites- Won/NaNo- Confessions of a High School Drama Geek- Won
2010- SF- Don't Stop Believing- Won/NaNo- End of Days- Won
2011-SF- If I Die Before I Wake...
50,600 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 18 24
Is there a deadline to rsvp? I may have missed in the previous posts.
I'm not sure if I can come yet. Might just depend on if I feel like figuring out the train or not :/
50,180 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 17 12
I can certainly ask my contact with the hotel if they can provide something along those lines.
Municipal Liaison for Illinois::Chicago
ml-tim at
53,158 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 16 40
I plan on being there... and I will briiiing... .... ....
OK Q: will there be anything there for heating things up? like, say i wanted to bring a tray of Costco chicken wings... anything we can do to warm it up?
50,551 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 12 18
Looks like I'll be able to come! One of my co-workers agreed to fill in for me that morning.
As for food, I think I'm gonna candy. Does that count?
It's easy to transport by train...just saying...
----------"your love is a symphony
all around me
running through me
your love is a melody
underneath me
running to me
your love is a song"
11,917 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 00 31
Of course not. But if there will be 70 people, i'm certainly not going to bring like... 10 cookies. Just wanted to get an idea.
50,504 / 50,000
Nov 11, 2010 - 16 07
As it turns out, I'll be in home in Iowa that weekend (tailgating with the family and Jeff... Go Hawks!). So you all have fun without me!!!
----------Feather (November 2010) - WIN!
Sterile Surfaces (July 2011) - WIN!
Paper Dragon (August 2011) - WIN!
50,038 / 50,000
Nov 11, 2010 - 15 33
I'll see if I can come as well. Work, unfortunately, takes precedence, as that is my money-making. I'll also see what I can bring. <.< Depending on time and money situation...
50,180 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 13 59
We had a good 50-70ish people last year, depending on the time (people came and went). We filled the banquet room though! Please don't feel obligated to make/bake for that many though - that's why we're having everyone bring a little something...
Municipal Liaison for Illinois::Chicago
ml-tim at
50,228 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 01 14
Okay, make my offering Mark Bittman's Autumn Millet Bake (butternut squash, fresh cranberries, millet, sliced sage and pumpkin seeds baked with olive oil, maple syrup, and vegetable broth), which I made recently and found not only appropriate, but good at all temperatures, and satisfying. I may also bring cookies, but it will depend on how busy things get or how the word count is going.
I look forward to it!
11,917 / 50,000
Nov 9, 2010 - 18 14
I'd love to come, but I'd have to see if I could get my work schedule adjusted. How many people have come in the past? I think that would influence what I make...
13,730 / 50,000
Nov 9, 2010 - 18 11
RSVP'ing...I'll probably bake something involving chocolate.
16,019 / 50,000
Nov 9, 2010 - 17 05
I'm coming! I'm hoping to make a big pan of macaroni and cheese, but should I find myself unable to find a container to transport it in, I will bring brownies!
Hyde Park-ers. I'm at the U of C--anyone want to head up together? Private message me if interested.
12,096 / 50,000
Nov 9, 2010 - 16 12
i will be there! huzzah!
8,322 / 50,000
Nov 6, 2010 - 07 22
Sounds like jun but I live all the wat don here in carbondale IL. Anyone down here? Its quite lonly wring a noval by youself. :(
----------Synonyms are just words that we use when they can’t figure out how to spell the word they want to use.
50,228 / 50,000
Nov 6, 2010 - 06 21
I'm fortunate enough to live within walking distance - so I can definitely make it. The only difficulty is figuring out what I can bring that's savory, easy to transport, easy to eat, and okay at room temperature! Give me a day or two to get more specific. (Unless you want cookies. Rolled molasses spice and/or maple pecan are very good and very sturdy.) I'll look forward to it. - And I'll be thinking!
50,665 / 50,000
Nov 5, 2010 - 20 31
Then stop by the one at Brooken's Library at UIS in Springfield. The Mass Transit goes right past, if you don't have a car, and if you do, it's not hard to find. Google it.
We're going to meet for as many Sundays as we can there. However the last sunday will likely need to be somewhere else, as that library is closed over the Thanksgiving weekend. I think we will try for the public library on seventh street in downtown Springfield. I'll keep everyone updated on this, though. Just keep an eye on the forums!
51,172 / 50,000
Nov 5, 2010 - 20 07
If I end up going, (I really want to and dont see why I couldn't at this point) I would have to drive right by you, I wouldn't mind.
20,874 / 50,000
Nov 5, 2010 - 10 55
Sadly, I wouldn't have any way of getting up there. As much fun as it sounds like it would be, I have neither the means nor money for such a trip at this time.
----------"If the world's gonna be destroyed, then let it be destroyed! If history is gonna be changed, then let it bloody well be changed! I'll show you what Radical Dreamers really dream about!"
- Kid (Chrono Cross)
50,180 / 50,000
Nov 5, 2010 - 10 02
mimstrel -
If you are not able to find a carpool ride, I know the Megabus actually stops in Normal...we can pick you up and drop you off at Union Station in Chicago if you can't find a ride otherwise!
Municipal Liaison for Illinois::Chicago
ml-tim at
50,504 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 23 18
Would anyone want to carpool from the Bloomington-Normal area? I'm not sure whether I can go or not as of right now, but it might be nice to share driving time and gas cost if I can go.
----------Feather (November 2010) - WIN!
Sterile Surfaces (July 2011) - WIN!
Paper Dragon (August 2011) - WIN!
58,096 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 21 53
I'll be there!! Can't wait. It's my favorite event of the month. :)
And macey-muse, I can probably lend you tupperware since you're in Hyde Park. Send me a private message, and we'll figure it out.
Co-ML and Co-Bookdriver for Chicago, IL
ml-kelly AT
Bookdrive Questions: bookdrive AT
50,613 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 21 39
I can probably make it. If someone can lend me some (pan-sized) tupperware I can make & bring bean chilli - otherwise, being a poor cookware-less exchange student, I'd have to bring it in the pan. Might get some funny looks on the metra that way... ^.^'
----------50,863 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 20 46
Thanks for suggesting that a central Illinois place might do the statewide write-in. Perhaps that's something our region could talk about. Peoria might be a good place, too. Just thought I'd point out that neither Springfield or Champaign-Urbana have an ML this year.
Although many of us may not be able to be there in person, we are there in spirit. Maybe we could send photos of us typing. You could put photos of all of us NaNo writers throughout the state.
Thanks all for organizing this!
59,767 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 19 53
As of now I am planning on attending. I dont know yet what I will bring, but I will figure it out.
51,257 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 09 53
I'm planning on attending. I was there last year and thought it the highlight of the month, Ok, second highlight next to hitting 50K.
I intend to bring something snacky, like cookies or chips. I have visited the kitchen in my house once but that was years ago that I'm not sure I can locate it again before the 20th much less cook something that doesn't send people to the emergency room. So some store bought, carb loaded cookies made by Keebler elves will have to do.
62,573 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 09 43
We'll have to get some MLs into an email chain and talk about 2011. :-)
In the meantime, I'll be sure to share the details in our weekly newsletter!
----------Sean J. Jordan
Municipal Liaison, Southern Illinois Region
Keep up to date on Southern Illinois NaNoWriMo events on our blog!
50,180 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 08 36
It's all about planning - no one from that area has stepped up to volunteer (and we - as in the Chicago ML;s - have no clue how to go about scheduling such a large group/space in that area without connections). Perhaps it can be on the to-do list for the coming year.
Municipal Liaison for Illinois::Chicago
ml-tim at
62,573 / 50,000
Nov 3, 2010 - 23 03
Hey Tim,
I appreciate the invite for us Southern Illinois folks - I attended the first "statewide" write-in a couple of years back. I hope the turnout's great!
One suggestion for future years -- why not hold such an event down in a more central location, like Bloomington-Normal or Champaign-Urbana? We've got folks from Southern Illinois who would love to participate, but who can't spare a 10-12 hour round trip (plus expenses!) to go up to Chicago. Megabus and Amtrak are nice, but neither option is practical for anyone coming from more than a couple of hours away when the write-in is from 11 AM to 2 PM.
I realize that this year, the plans are already in motion, but I thought I'd throw out the suggestion for future years in the spirit of truly seeing a "statewide" event instead of merely a "Chicagoland" event. We'd love to have a delegation be able to trek up and represent!
----------Sean J. Jordan
Municipal Liaison, Southern Illinois Region
Keep up to date on Southern Illinois NaNoWriMo events on our blog!