The first day it started as a challenge. The most I'd ever written in one day was 8,000 words. I wanted to know if I could do 10,000 without exploding, so what better day than the first day of NaNo?
The second day happened as a fluke. I'd written one chapter, been teased by that chapter into writing another chapter, and that second chapter ended with 7,500 words on the table for the day. My brain immediately said, "That's only 2,500 words to another 10,000. You can do that." And so I did.
The third day saw much suffering. I had already set myself up for writing 10,000 a day, and I wanted to see if it was possible to do it again (or would my brain explode?). Much suffering later, I looked back on what I'd produced (literary vomit) and found myself happy with what I'd made. It wouldn't have been there if I hadn't made myself to suffer.
This is the fourth day. I have 0 words on the table so far, but that's normal, as I don't jump into writing gear until around 10 PM, then it's smooth sailing until 5 AM. If I complete another 10,000 words today, that means I must suffer for all writers everywhere tomorrow in pursuit of my own literary quest: is it possible to complete NaNo in 5 days?
We shall see.*
Dear J.A. Kosse,
When you are posting about NaNo on the NaNo forums, you are not writing.
J.A. Kosse's conscience
*My brain is going to be a gooey mess, I assure you.
a venomoid is a poisonous snake that has had its fangs and venom glands removed to make it safe for human handling. what if vampires were required to undergo this operation? [[Wrote THE END! 9 AM on 11/19/2010]]
161,514 / 50,000
Nov 7, 2010 - 04 56
Yay you! Ultimately, it doesn't matter if someone is ahead of you, but where you are, and what your goals are. After last year, I told myself I was going to have a more reasonable writing approach by not doing more than 5K a day and aiming for 3K. (I write year round and clear my month so I have a lot of time to write in November, so it is reasonable for me.) I haven't exactly been following that, but since I'm only 1/5 of the way through my outline, I fear I wouldn't finish if I didn't write more.
24,543 / 50,000
Nov 7, 2010 - 02 56
Congratulations to J.A. Kosse! I just saw that you passed the 50K mark. Way to go!
I'm used to seeing Katherine Writing and her daughter up at the top (I think she busted 100K last year) and it always pushes me to do better. But this year! So many people kicking butt! (kicking words/novels?) It's incredible. Way to go, everybody!
I'm doing this year's story without an outline or solid plot in my head (or title! Eep!) so, I'm not ahead of the game as much as usual, but I'm still ahead (just barely) of my own self-imposed 2K goal, so... yay, me! :)
50,077 / 50,000
Nov 6, 2010 - 21 54
Ah~ That's cool~ I actually graduated last year from East. My brother goes to OHS, so the school rivalry was exacerbated by the Glorious War of Sibling Rivalry.
The football game get annoying after a while. Can't we win even once? ><
----------Peace is but a shadow of death,
Desperate to forget it's painful past...
Though we hope for promising years
After shedding a thousand tears,
Yesterday's sorrow constantly nears
And while the moon still shines blue,
By dawn, it will turn to scarlet h
51,134 / 50,000
Nov 5, 2010 - 22 29
@Other Julie: School =/= having a life. Studying for tests =/= a life. Man, I *wish* I had a life XD
@whoever said it: a friend of mine (not from the region) already finished his 50k because 'he won't have time to write near the end of November'. I said that was a little extreme. XD
@Fellow first-timers: Be proud of your word count, be very proud! Feel better than non-NaNoers, because you have more of your novel written than they do :p Also, congrats, because those are some very impressive wordcounts in general, keep it up guys!
My mom still hasn't written anything :(
----------Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!
50,271 / 50,000
Nov 5, 2010 - 22 08
Unless you go to OHS. And then there shall be some friendly taunting, mixed in with sticking together.
Thanks. :) I graduated from OHS in May 2004, before Oswego East opened. I'm not huge on the whole rivalry simply because there wasn't one when I was there. However, my sister is a little more since she just graduated from OHS. It is fun to go to the games and get into it sometimes though. :) All in fun! :)
50,077 / 50,000
Nov 5, 2010 - 21 24
Don't worry my fellow Oswegoan! We first timers shall stick together!
Unless you go to OHS. And then there shall be some friendly taunting, mixed in with sticking together.
----------Peace is but a shadow of death,
Desperate to forget it's painful past...
Though we hope for promising years
After shedding a thousand tears,
Yesterday's sorrow constantly nears
And while the moon still shines blue,
By dawn, it will turn to scarlet h
50,271 / 50,000
Nov 5, 2010 - 19 42
I guess I'm a slower writer then. I only have a little over 6,000. I'm a first-timer though. I'll get there in time. :)
50,077 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 21 40
I wouldn't sweat it. There's somebody on here… eccentric dragon I think… who has already finished the 50,000.
And here I was feeling happy that I already have over 7,000 words… -.-"
----------Peace is but a shadow of death,
Desperate to forget it's painful past...
Though we hope for promising years
After shedding a thousand tears,
Yesterday's sorrow constantly nears
And while the moon still shines blue,
By dawn, it will turn to scarlet h
109,919 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 19 54
Don't writhe in jealousy. You have a life, which far surpasses in usefulness my ability to write 10k in one day XD
a venomoid is a poisonous snake that has had its fangs and venom glands removed to make it safe for human handling. what if vampires were required to undergo this operation? [[Wrote THE END! 9 AM on 11/19/2010]]
51,134 / 50,000
Nov 4, 2010 - 17 54
Anything is possible--so long as there are zompires involved.
I wish you luck, Other Julie, while simultaneously writhing in jealousy :3
----------Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!