I'm curious about what others are writing. Would love to see a paragraph or two from you. We have all turned off our internal editors, so this really is just to get a feel for your stories.
Have a wonderful November --- Steve
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.
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Nov 9, 2010 - 10 10
As there are now three Snippets threads, for 2011 need a snippet sticky, methinks. Final determination from MLs.
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.
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Nov 6, 2010 - 15 31
Great snippets!
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.
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Nov 5, 2010 - 20 57
The man pulled a pistol from his coat pocket and ran the barrel along a picket fence in front of a house. Dressed in a black leather racing jacket and slacks, he walked like a puma in the charcoal night. The air was thick and no one was on the street. He moved to the other side of the street and stared back at the clapboard Victorian behind the fence. There was a light on at the top dormer window and through it was a poster of a maverick cowboy smoking a cigarette on the far wall. There was no motion.
The man lit a small cigar and leaned on an oak tree all the while keeping his eyes on the window. He noticed a power line stretching between telephone poles that crossed the window, and crouched down against the tree for an unobstructed view. A refrigerated truck bounced by, the man briefly in its headlights, and he didn’t move except to hold the gun down behind his thigh.
A late model Pontiac Grand Prix pulled up in front of the house and a pizza delivery man hopped out and brought a pizza to the front door, ringing the bell. No one answered. He rang twice more before leaving with the pizza, kicking a curbside garbage bag open with his tennis shoe before getting back into his car and speeding away.
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.
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Nov 5, 2010 - 13 12
Mine's kinda long, but...
She shook her head. “He didn’t tell me.”
Kent waved his hand dismissively. “Well, he was awfully distracted, after all, when the Uppers put the cure in production right away. They sent him out as soon as they had the first hundred doses approved and ready to go, so he may not have been thinking past the excitement of finally getting on with healing the damage that’s been done.”
It was a believable story, Ellie had to give the despicable man that much. The only problem was that she was too close to Dr. Marshall to put much stock in how “scatterbrained” Kent apparently thought the doctor was. There was no one more meticulous, more single-minded, or more intelligent than Dr. Marshall, and despite what her fellow lab assistants seemed to believe, he was not the type of man to run off willy-nilly without a thorough explanation first.
“Is there any way there’s someone who could get a message to him from me?” she asked.
Kent smiled a smile that looked forced and uncomfortable. “I’ll see what I can do. What would you like us to tell him?”
She made a show of thinking and composing what she’d like to say, but she already knew where and how deep she wanted her words to cut Kent. It took everything she had not to smile viciously as she spoke.
“Tell him… That I can’t wait until he’s back so we can cure the Walking Dead here together, and that he’s like a second father to me, and I never told him that, but I need him to know.”
Kent shifted uncomfortably and nodded. “I’ll send that out right away, and hopefully it’ll get to him before he moves on to the next ‘Clave.”
Ellie smiled sweetly. “Thank you, Kent. I should get back to work, and I should let you get back to whatever you were doing. I’ll see you around.” And, with a wave, she left the uncomfortable man and headed back towards Dr. Marshall’s apartments, trying not to notice as she turned the corner Kent’s voice informing someone on the other end of his walkie-talkie that she needed looking after.
"We're number 17!"

NaNo 2004- WON! 56k | NaNo 2005- WON! 54k | NaNo 2006- WON! 93k | NaNo 2007- WON! 51k | NaNo 2008- WON! 50k | NaNo 2010- WON! 76k
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Nov 5, 2010 - 11 47
"You see, every plushie has one day in their life where they can become a human. They have exactly twenty-four hours where they may cast off their fur and polyester fiber for skin, bones, and blood. That’s why I’m writing this, the reason I’m hauling my laptop around with me (along with animate stuffed toys) on a half-crazed journey for truth. Because somewhere out there, I hear there’s a plushie that isn’t one of mine: a stuffed animal who has found a way to stay human forever. And while Syrus is the only one who wants to become a real boy, to borrow Pinocchio’s words, I think plush-kind the world over would enjoy more than one day of their lives to be spent as a human."
"So we’re going to find this Plushomancer, and see if he/she/it will share their magical knowledge with us, for the good of plushy-kind, and lonely children everywhere."