It's not required, but some MLs (volunteer Municipal Liaisons) prepare and give out goodies to members in their regions. We've tried to do this every year, though the size of the region limits what we can give since we spend our own money to prepare them (we receive no funds from the Office of Letters and Lights).
This year we gave out NaNoWriMo hipster PDAs during the October preseason at each of the three prep events; and we gave out Writer's Die (actually writer's dice--originally we were intending to give out one die per writer but we decided to give out two) at the kick-off party. The hipster PDAs have a focus on novel planning; the Writer's Die is a tool for November (and beyond).
Those of you who are too far away to attend our events can visit the links above to print out your own sets of 3x5 cards for an enhanced hipster PDA; those attending the write-ins at the Naperville Public Library (Sundays, 1-4 pm), send me nanomail if you want me to bring you one or both of the goodies. I have a few left over but can make more if you let me know in advance.
We can also give these out at the TGIO if you haven't gotten yours by then and will be attending the event--but you need to let me know in advance. NaNoMail NewMexicoKid.
161,514 / 50,000
Nov 13, 2010 - 13 17
This is the write-up for the multi-sided die. (Added this so this post gets back on the front page since I gave away die without the write-up today.)