I don't know if anyone else is taking a break from novel writing, but I'm going to be rewarding myself by seeing the midnight show of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. I'm planning on going to Cantera 30 theaters in Warrenville. If anyone wants to meet up let me know!
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 18, 2010 - 15 42
It is going to be awesome! Have a blast tomorrow morning.
101,608 / 50,000
Nov 18, 2010 - 12 54
I wish I could be there, but I'm going to be at the Cinemark show tomorrow at 9:30AM!
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 17, 2010 - 19 30
11pm in front of the main concession stand? I'll be dressed as a Slytherin and will have a little sign or something.
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 17, 2010 - 19 29
I'm going to be dressed up as a Slytherin. If you want to we could meet up in front of the main concession stand around 11...I'll bring a little sign or something.
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 17, 2010 - 19 27
Cool. I will be dressed up as a Slytherin student. Would you like to meet up around 11 in front of the main concession stand? I'll bring a little sign or something.
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 17, 2010 - 19 26
Well if you want to meet up around 11 pm in front of the main concession stand I'll be there...I might have a tiny sign or something :) I will be dressed as a Slytherin.
14,366 / 50,000
Nov 17, 2010 - 12 47
Maybe. I'll be wearing a red shirt with pandas on it. XD
0 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 13 57
I'm going to be there! :) Well, as soon as I get out of class at 10pm. I have no idea if I'll dress up or not. Probably not, but we'll see. We should say hi!
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 15 17
It is now a Regal Cinema, but it is still there.
24,543 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 05 24
That's weird, I had heard the AMC Cantero 30 had closed. DId it change hands or was I just being screwed with?
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 11, 2010 - 09 09
Well hopefully I'll see you there :)
14,366 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 23 04
Yup, gonna be at Cantera 30 with my friend and a few of his other friends!
Mebbe I should wear something to be identifiable to anybody there. XD Mebbe I'll stick a sticker on myself that says NaNoWriMo on it or something, ahahah...
51,134 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 20 00
My friend and I might end up coming--depends on if I can convince my mom or not XDD
----------Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 18 31
My friends and I are planning to get there around 9pm or so...I'll be there wearing a Slytherin tie. We should plan on saying hi :)
50,271 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 18 06
Oh my gosh, I have already got my tickets to Cantera 30 for that night! :) My friend is coming with me and possibly a few other people. It's going to be so much fun!
76,543 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 15 45
I might come out, assuming I don't work those days. :) I'll let you know.
----------"We're number 17!"

NaNo 2004- WON! 56k | NaNo 2005- WON! 54k | NaNo 2006- WON! 93k | NaNo 2007- WON! 51k | NaNo 2008- WON! 50k | NaNo 2010- WON! 76k
18,455 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 15 11
Nope...The movie comes out on the 19th. So it will be the midnight between Thurs. the 18th and Fri. the 19th - 8 days and counting
76,543 / 50,000
Nov 10, 2010 - 14 32
When is that? Is that tonight?
----------"We're number 17!"

NaNo 2004- WON! 56k | NaNo 2005- WON! 54k | NaNo 2006- WON! 93k | NaNo 2007- WON! 51k | NaNo 2008- WON! 50k | NaNo 2010- WON! 76k