Just wanted to give some additional details about the upcoming Sunday write-ins at the Naperville Public Library since there are two locations we are using this fall:
- Sunday 11/14: Nichols Library, down in the community room (lower level), 1-4:30 pm
- Sunday, 11/21: 95th Street Library, room A, 1-4:30 pm
- Sunday, 11/28: Nichols Library, down in the Children's Department (there is a separate room there), 1-4:30 pm
Please note that the libraries themselves will be opening at 1 pm; I will not be able to start the set up until then. In the past, we've scheduled the write-ins from 1:30-4:30, but I forgot about that this year. Folks are welcome to come at 1 pm to help me set up (and gain extra time for writing); and I've requested and received the ok to let the events go till 4:30 pm for those who want to avoid the setting up phase ;-).
What you should bring
- laptops and AC adapters
- extension cords and power strips (not everyone has to bring these, but it might be good to have a few more on hand; I only have two)
- goodies to share (optional; I'm planning to bring cookies)
- your own water bottle (they do have a drinking fountain; unsure if there is a vending machine)
- a stuffed animal (a Naperville tradition!) to sit on your table to watch you type :-)
What I'll have as prizes for word wars
Click on the picture to see the FAQ on write-in's
Looking forward to seeing you there! We had 18 show up last week at the 95th Street Library.
Any suggestions?
If you have any suggestions for improving our write-ins, please let me know. Thanks!
67,456 / 50,000
Nov 12, 2010 - 22 26
Oh, I almost forgot! If you didn't get our regional goodies (hipster PDAs (distributed at our three October prep sessions) and Writer's Die (distributed at the kick-off) and would like one and are coming out to the Sunday Naperville Public Library write-ins, send me nanomail so I can make some up for you. I only have a very small handful left of made ones.