Please let us know if you plan on coming and what you'd like to bring. You can reply to this thread and MLs will update this post.You can bring non-writer family or friends to this social occasion. There will be games and nifty awards that will only be made available to those who RSVP.
What: TGIO Party
Where: Naperville Municipal Center
Rooms: Lunch room: this is in the lower level of the center. Note you can park in the lower level garage.
Date: December 4, Saturday
Time: 11:45 AM - 3 PM
If you're aren't sure what to bring, please try to at least pick a category.
We do not need: cups, plates, napkins, or chips. (We have these left over from the kick-off.)
What to bring (foods and stuff)
- main course (always need lots of these)
- Vegetable side dishes
- raw vegetables & dip
- fruit salads
- green salads
- pasta side dishes
- Rolls
- cheese & crackers
- desserts
- cold soft drinks in cans
- cold water in small bottles
- plastic forks, knifes, spoons - let us know how many (can use at least 50, but two people can bring)
What Else To Bring (optional)
- A stuffed animal (for the group picture)
- about 20-25 copies of a one page excerpt from your novel
- books to donate
If you're wondering, TGIO stands for Thank Goodness It's Over. And no, you don't have to win to come, but keep writing! Bring your friends and family. We'll have an ice breaker, awards, and fun games.
Who is coming
Last updated 12/4/10 9:14 am; 51 attending
- KatherineWriting, FinBarrMcG, bookgrrl -- gnocchi main dish + chocolate cake
- J.A.Kosse - cold soda in cans
- NewMexicoKid - (wife Nan and maybe daughter Kristiana; plus friend Rob) - 150ish fried wontons + Thai green curry (vegetarian, reduced fat, moderately spicy, served over rice)
- ThePiratess - veggy tray
- xaanterra + guest - oatmeal pie
- CD0189 - cold bottled water
- Talent2Max - Brownies
- Jennifer_Ryukalage & daemon_master - ??
- fancieshmancie - dessert
- DivineLight - green salad
- john_csy - main dish
- word_rebel - whatever is needed
- PersiaRose - popcorn balls
- ctnigg - appetizer
- ziplizard - plastic forks, knives, spoons
- AmaranthMuse - main dish (something hot in a slow cooker)
- horatio - crab dip
- CAN'T MAKE IT (ILL WITH STREP THROAT): Gromit + wife + daughter - meat lasagna
- JenetteFish - arriving late
- TipTappity - salsa
- Sheleishum, ilovehimm. And Michael - spatzle (pasta side dish)
- Jayme Rani + friend - snack food
- TeenWriter + 3 - fruit salad and some ham sandwiches & turkey sandwiches
- Deathbypenz + one friend/family member - rolls
- Samcadams - Box of Joe
- Cee-bee + Bart - vegetarian lasagna or cheese & crackers
- Ajey - main dish or snack dish
- DJRM - ???
- TRRDEDEAN - main dish and possibly a dessert
- RobinM + up to 3 kids - potato dish
- catatone1 (a little late) - hummus and veggies with a few chocolate lego men
- La Peregrina - sweet potato casserole.
- Juliette06, Pearly Queen - some food type thing
- Anrea - rice krispies
161,514 / 50,000
Dec 4, 2010 - 07 07
I'll bring a chocolate cake as well as gnocchi.
51,134 / 50,000
Dec 4, 2010 - 01 56
Myself, Pearly Queen and Anrea will all be coming~ Anrea's bringing rice krispies and Queen is bringing...some sort of food type thing. -ninja-
----------Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!
50,762 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 23 51
Sorry...planning on going. And bringing one friend and/or family member
----------2009-A Change of Hart
2010-The Nefarious Tales of Evanlyn Rose and Jather Andreas Waxley
51,417 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 23 39
I'm sorry for the late rsvp. I tried to reply earlier, but I didn't realize that for some reason my reply didn't post. I'm planning to come and will be bringing a side dish - sweet potato casserole.
50,027 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 21 00
Dear Lego Men, I've been waiting for you. Not to worry, you will find my stomach to be a very comfortable dwelling...until biology takes over. After that, I promise nothing. Thanks! Love, Bob
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50,027 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 20 57
I'm off to the store now for a side dish or two! Can't wait!!
------------ Click the banner to visit my site --
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50,044 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 18 46
I'll be coming although a little late. I'll bring some hummus and hopefully some veggies... along with the few chocolate lego men i've managed to make since i've been catching up on everything since nano!
----------NaNo 2007: A New Kind of Power (around 30000)
NaNo 2008: Hell's the Pits (25000)
NaNo 2009: Cadence (WON!)
NaNo 2010:
50,846 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 16 06
I am tentatively RSVP'ing for me plus up to 3 kids. I'll bring a potato dish.
67,456 / 50,000
Dec 3, 2010 - 08 07
For those on the fence on what to bring (Jennifer, DJRM, word_rebel), looks like we could use a few more side dishes and possibly desserts.
----------67,456 / 50,000
Dec 2, 2010 - 19 12
My wife Nan and daughter Kristiana might be coming out. We'll bring fried wontons and a main dish Thai green curry (vegetarian, reduced fat, moderately spicy, served over rice).
I edited the top article: folks, don't forget to consider bringing:
Edit: and my good friend Rob will also be there.
----------101,747 / 50,000
Dec 2, 2010 - 13 00
I plan to attend and will bring a main dish and possilby a desert.
51,234 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 21 35
I will be at the party.
63,005 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 13 15
I will attend. I will bring (if possible) a main dish, or (otherwise) a snack dish. I am not much of a cook. But I will be there!
Am looking forward to it.
AJ (ajey)
62,699 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 10 37
I would like to come and bring my husband, Bart. Probably we will bring a vegetarian entree (maybe lasagna) if I have time to cook it. Otherwise a cheese and cracker plate.
50,020 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 10 30
I will attend the TGIO Party and bring a Box of Joe
101,608 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 10 09
There *may* be a chance I bring two other people but I'm not sure. I'm having a sort of second-Thanksgiving that day so...
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical
101,608 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 10 09
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical
101,608 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 10 08
That'll teach you. ;) Get signed up on CritiqueCircle and we'll be gunning for you. :D
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical
101,608 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 10 06
There are never enough main dishes. ;)
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical
50,762 / 50,000
Nov 30, 2010 - 20 05
Is this how we RSVP? I really want to go, so I will make sure I come...hopefully I can. I'll try and bring rolls or something..
----------2009-A Change of Hart
2010-The Nefarious Tales of Evanlyn Rose and Jather Andreas Waxley
51,621 / 50,000
Nov 30, 2010 - 17 39
I will be coming with three other people!
We'll bring fruit salad and some ham sandwiches & turkey sandwiches. :D
See you then!
----------NaNo 2006--> WINNER.
NaNo 2007--> WINNER.
NaNo 2008--> Made of fail.
NaNo 2009--> WINNER! =D
50,164 / 50,000
Nov 30, 2010 - 15 58
I'm coming, plus one other person, and will be bringing something that is... snack-like.
----------NaNo '10 - WON!
51,878 / 50,000
Nov 29, 2010 - 21 43
Sheleishum, ilovehimm. And Michael (sheleishum's son) we are bringing spatzle (pasta side dish)
----------52,633 / 50,000
Nov 29, 2010 - 09 10
I'll bring homemade salsa.
50,032 / 50,000
Nov 28, 2010 - 21 50
I will be there very late again (at 2 p.m.) BUT I will be bringing a ton of books for the Bookdrive!
----------J. Sturges
2008 - A Not-So-Royale Historie of Mu (lost epically!)
2010 - The Crimson-Crested Greater Prairie Chicken, Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecologies
0 / 50,000
Nov 27, 2010 - 17 18
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.
50,071 / 50,000
Nov 27, 2010 - 15 00
I'll be there with my Wife and Daughter. I'll bring Lasagna (with meat in it.)
50,511 / 50,000
Nov 27, 2010 - 12 50
Will be there, with crab dip.
101,608 / 50,000
Nov 27, 2010 - 10 13
Let me try this again.
I will be bringing myself and coming with hot food in a slow cooker! Yum. I will also remember to bring a ladle for you all.
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical
50,233 / 50,000
Nov 24, 2010 - 22 48
I was looking around online (aka procrastinating) and it looks like I can find boxes of 48 or 50 sets for cheap at some local stores so no need for anyone else to volunteer to help me out.
50,233 / 50,000
Nov 24, 2010 - 22 22
I'll bring the plastic forks, knives, and spoons. I'll bring all 50 sets unless someone else volunteers to help out.
56,491 / 50,000
Nov 24, 2010 - 19 54
As punishment for giving up, I think you're nominated to edit for everyone else in the Naperville Region in December.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the rule, cooldoctor....
0 / 50,000
Nov 24, 2010 - 09 30
I'm sorry not to be able to attend as I'll be out of town that weekend at a hockey game. Was looking forward to seeing ctnigg and giving her a high five for words well-done.
Hoping there will be "edit-ins" during the winter with Naperville group. (Of course, I have less to edit than most of you, but...)
----------Sincerely, Cooldoc.
51,406 / 50,000
Nov 24, 2010 - 00 40
I plan to be there and I'll probably bring an appetizer
50,600 / 50,000
Nov 23, 2010 - 15 17
I'm gonna be there barring any snow or something I can't drive in :D
I'm gonna I seriously have no clue...popcorn balls I guess? That seems cheap, but we shall see.
50,027 / 50,000
Nov 23, 2010 - 01 18
I'll be there!! And with any luck I won't have to leave early like I did from the kick-off party...
I'll bring whatever needs to be brought - I'll check back and go off of the official list.
------------ Click the banner to visit my site --
Follow me on Twitter!
51,007 / 50,000
Nov 22, 2010 - 22 17
I am RSVPing. i will bring a Main dish, unless you have to many. let me know.
John Casey
58,220 / 50,000
Nov 22, 2010 - 15 59
I will definitely be there and plan to bring a green Salad.
See you all there.
----------Diane Elizabeth
51,814 / 50,000
Nov 22, 2010 - 08 40
I'll bring a dessert!
50,001 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 16 34
I'll be there with daemon_master. I'm not sure what we will be able to bring yet.
50,023 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 19 18
I'll try to make it, if the powers that be (the parental units and the writing moose in the forests of my mind, to be exact) will allow me to leave the house
EDIT: Oh, and I'll bring my world famous brownies. Honestly, they're the best thing you'll ever have.
----------Ink and paper are sometimes passionate lovers, oftentimes brother and sister, and occasionally mortal enemies. ~Terri Guillemets
66,136 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 18 07
I hope to make it--and I'll bring some bottled water if I do.
0 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 14 28
I shall be there and I'll probably bring someone along.
As for my contribution, I will bake an oatmeal pie to share. No idea what an oatmeal pie is? You are in for a delightful (and delicious) surprise.
Oh and -
Bring any last minute books to donate!
I'll count em there and announce the grand total. Maybe there will be another raffle for those who donate books. Exciting, no?
0 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 14 23
You will be the cause of so many happy teenagers.
76,543 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 12 23
I'm going to do my best to be there, but I don't know my work schedule for that week just yet. I can probably bring a veggie tray.
----------"We're number 17!"

NaNo 2004- WON! 56k | NaNo 2005- WON! 54k | NaNo 2006- WON! 93k | NaNo 2007- WON! 51k | NaNo 2008- WON! 50k | NaNo 2010- WON! 76k
67,456 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 12 08
I'll be there, of course.
Not sure what I'll bring yet, but some kind of main coursey-type thing (I want to make my mom's fried wonton recipe, but my wife thinks it would be too much work).
Just a correction; I checked with Mary Kay Biernacki (City of Naperville) and we're in the lunch room again (as we were for the kick-off). This is also in the lower level; if you park in the garage (which you can do if you're bringing a dish or supplies), it's the first right just as you enter the building from the garage.
----------109,919 / 50,000
Nov 15, 2010 - 11 11
Because this was so sorely needed last time, I shall volunteer for this. ----------
a venomoid is a poisonous snake that has had its fangs and venom glands removed to make it safe for human handling. what if vampires were required to undergo this operation? [[Wrote THE END! 9 AM on 11/19/2010]]