Yes, it's true, Calgary leads us in the inter-regional word war by 350 words per writer (as of 11/17). I can tell that we're writing--we were behind by 381 yesterday--but we all need to do more if we can (alas, I have office work to do tonight, but I will catch up on the weekend and have all of next week off to write).
Otherwise, we'll have to learn to sing the Calgarian regional song (if they come up with one)...
Let's avoid that fate and write, write, write!
67,456 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 18 01
Anyway, we can sing the hell out of their anthem. I guess. I was going to bring my husband, Bart, to the TGIO party Saturday. That's when we're supposed to do it, right? Bart is a good guitar player, if you desire his services (he was also my impetus and co-writer for the motivational speech on the regional challenge thread). Let me know if he should bring his guitar.
A guitar would be great!
I'm not sure about the regional average calculation. Next year, we'll use my own engine for that so we will have a much better view of who in each region is competing; and we will also get hourly updates.
----------62,699 / 50,000
Dec 1, 2010 - 10 08
Sigh. Okay, we didn't win. I'm confused. Did we need to post our word count at some point way before midnight to have it count in the inter-regional word war? Because when I went to post the second half of my word count for the day, around 9:30 pm, the results for the day were already posted on the word war graph. I posted the additional 2K anyway, but I don't know if it did any good.
Anyway, we can sing the hell out of their anthem. I guess. I was going to bring my husband, Bart, to the TGIO party Saturday. That's when we're supposed to do it, right? Bart is a good guitar player, if you desire his services (he was also my impetus and co-writer for the motivational speech on the regional challenge thread). Let me know if he should bring his guitar.
101,608 / 50,000
Nov 29, 2010 - 23 45
They're still talking... but not about scotch this time. At least that's past, but now, they're arguing with one another and discussing things. I may look at doing a prologue-y type first person story "The history of me!" or something tomorrow.
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical
67,456 / 50,000
Nov 29, 2010 - 23 13
The best way to do it, Heather, is to have one of your characters tell a meaningful story to the others (do it in first person!). Your story could then become a part of the Journey short story anthology (with some tweaking) later...
----------101,608 / 50,000
Nov 29, 2010 - 12 09
I have no idea of how to contribute another 10,000 words! D: My poor book is already so overloaded, it's awful. :(
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical
67,456 / 50,000
Nov 27, 2010 - 23 48
We're only behind by 373 words at the end of November 27. Three days remain, Naperville--let's make the most of them and accelerate into a come-from-behind win!
----------67,456 / 50,000
Nov 24, 2010 - 10 47
NaNoWriMo is all about the word count. It provides motivation in various ways (through personal competition with writing buddies, through inter-regional word wars, through timed word war sprints, and through pep talks), all of it intended to help writers break through the mental barriers to achieve their writing goals.
Does it mean to give up quality? No, not really. It can be amazing the quality of what you can achieve if you try.
Does it mean to give up editing? No, of course not. But during November writers are encouraged to turn off their internal editor if that force is one that inhibits you from writing.
This posting is for those of you who have stopped writing or who are behind. Maybe you gave up because of good and practical reasons (work, school, personal illness or tragedy), but if you have the time and the will to do so, I challenge you to reach for the next level of your writing goal. If you have fewer than 10,000 words, then strive for 10,000. If you have fewer than 20,000, write until you make it past that goal. You may not reach 50,000 (though it is still possible to do it--I've seen people make up more than 40,000 words in just three days), but if you can make it to that next 10k level, you will have gotten that much closer to writing your novel.
If you have never completed a novel, it is important to break through that barrier, even if it takes you beyond November. There is, for example, National Novel Finishing Month (December); and there is our the Journey, our year-round writing group. Making it to your next 10k milestone will make it that much more likely that you will succeed on your next attempt. Don't give up.
(and, of course, your words will help us make a comeback on Calgary--everyone with non-zero wordcount and homed to Naperville will count to our regional average).
----------67,456 / 50,000
Nov 23, 2010 - 21 24
I just did my share for today with 5347 words written today. Let's write-on!
----------51,134 / 50,000
Nov 22, 2010 - 21 46
Come on folks. We musn't let the silly Mounties beat us!
...Nnoooooo. They're attacking my mind! -now has Canada Please going through her head- D:>
----------Well, no backing out now. First NaNo, here I come!
161,514 / 50,000
Nov 22, 2010 - 19 37
Nope. You just have to be homed to Naperville and have non-zero wordcount.
So, keep writing.
And a bit of smack talk in the Calgary cross-listed topic never hurt!
62,699 / 50,000
Nov 21, 2010 - 13 48
Question- I think I read somewhere that in order to have your words be counted in the inter-regional word war you had to sign up for the Naperville wordcount graph (sticky thread). That is, just writing, and updating your word count through the NaNoWriMo web site wouldn't do it. Is that right, or did I hallucinate it? Because if people need to sign up on the Naperville wordcount graph, there may be more words out there that we could have just for the asking!
I mean, I'm a swell singer, but I'd just as soon have Calgary sing to us as the other way around.
Writing as fast as I can,
76,543 / 50,000
Nov 21, 2010 - 00 41
We've closed the gap to 218! Come on, people! Write like you've never written before!
----------"We're number 17!"

NaNo 2004- WON! 56k | NaNo 2005- WON! 54k | NaNo 2006- WON! 93k | NaNo 2007- WON! 51k | NaNo 2008- WON! 50k | NaNo 2010- WON! 76k
50,044 / 50,000
Nov 21, 2010 - 00 15
i did my part today with over 6,000 words in one evening. Come on people we can do this!
----------NaNo 2007: A New Kind of Power (around 30000)
NaNo 2008: Hell's the Pits (25000)
NaNo 2009: Cadence (WON!)
NaNo 2010:
67,456 / 50,000
Nov 19, 2010 - 00 04
Little by little... Down to 235 today (the Calgarian lead) from 350 yesterday. We have write-ins this weekend and I expect our curve will begin its upward bend...
----------101,608 / 50,000
Nov 18, 2010 - 12 53
I have no intentions of singing to Calgary, my arch-nemesis city (well, along with Toronto)! Let's do it!
----------NaNoWriMo region: Ferndale, MI | Naperville, IL
Genres: Urban contemporary; fantasy, sci-fi; speculative; historical