Sign up for National Novel Writing Month

Welcome to National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo is a free, annual event designed to motivate people to complete their novel of at least 50,000 words in just the thirty days of November. There are a myriad of helpful online forums, covering everything from research, plot advice to your local/regional community.

To sign up to participate in NaNoWriMo, create your login on the site.

Local events

Local events help people complete their novels by providing helpful information (through preparatory workshops) and with write-ins, where people bring their laptops to work on their own novels in the company of their fellow novelists. In the Naperville region that supports the cities and suburbs west of Chicago, many libraries participate in the annual Library Crawl--write-ins where people can pick up their Crawl Hero Cards that give them opportunities for prizes at the Thank Goodness It's Over (TGIO) Party in December.

Just go to to see the logistics for all of our local events.

The sign-up form